Page 38 of Deception
I make my way through the entryway, pulling myself up to my full height. The halls are mostly empty, save for a few students hurriedly trekking across the corridor. None of them meet my eyes, keeping their gazes low to the ground as they scurry down the hallway. My chest lightens at that, taking joy in the respect and power my presence brings.
What a difference a couple of months can have on my outlook. My heart floods with hope, not despair, as I walk these marble halls maneuvering my way to the small training room that Maximus and Liv have been using.
I lightly push open the wooden door, making my movements quiet. Wanting to observe their training session without their notice.
My lips turn up in a small grin at the sight I’m met with. Liv deftly blocks Maximus’ fist, striking back with a hit of her own. Her knuckles firmly sink into his abdomen before shuffling away from his next attack, his fist meeting thin air.
Good work little mate. Make your larger opponent expend his energy. I guess Maximus has been doing an excellent job training her if she’s already able to show him up so easily. I take a step forward, about to break up their fun and congratulate them on a job well done, when Liv surprises me. She uses Maximus’ momentum against him, her foot darting out to catch around his leg. He tumbles backward to the ground, letting out an oomph as his back lands soundly on the padded floor.
Liv wastes no time pinning him to the ground, yet I pause as her legs wind around his waist, effectively straddling him. She grinds her hips against him, drawing a groan from his lips. I stand frozen in shock at the turn of events, and my thick length hardens in my fitted pants. Imagining myself in Maximus’ spot, or even what would happen if I surprised her from behind. Joining in their teasing by lowering my lips onto her neck, sucking the sensitive flesh there, pressing my cock against her ass, and reveling in the much needed friction.
I snap out of my thoughts as his hands move to grasp her waist. My breath catches in my throat, waiting to see what will happen next. Much to my dismay, and Maximus’ she doesn’t let him make contact. Instead, she leaps off of him before his fingers grip into the soft flesh of her hips, only covered by thin athletic shorts. My lips turn down as she swiftly dodges his grasping hands, since I was greatly enjoying the view of her shorts riding up just over the curve of her ass. They fall back down now as she stands, straightening her clothes.
“Oh, just you wait until I get my hands on you,” he warns before lifting his legs and using the momentum to flip up to a standing position. His brows lower into a glower as he stalks over to her. Despite his menacing look, she watches completely unfazed, her eyes light with amusement, and her lips lift into a self-satisfied smirk.
“Is that a promise or a threat?” she asks seductively, placing her hand on her hips in challenge.
“Both.” He barely gets the word out before he steps into her, his hand immediately cupping her jaw, lifting her lips up to meet his as they come crashing down.
Fuck, if I wasn’t hard before, I sure as fuck am now. My skin grows heated watching their frenzied kiss, taking each other in greedily. When did this even happen? I shake my head, getting control of my racing thoughts and needing to put a stop to this immediately, before I lose all of my willpower and join in. The focus needs to be on Olivia and the trials. We can’t let anything interfere with her training, despite how badly I want to be another distraction right now.
I clear my throat and immediately regret my decision. The sexual tension hanging thickly in the air snaps as Maximus and Liv break apart. He pushes her to stand behind him, shielding her from the perceived threat, much to her chagrin. She pushes his arm aside, scowling up at him before meeting my gaze. Her lips part and eyes widen in shock, that is until her gaze trails down my body. Over my white linen shirt and leather armor, I’m clad in blades of all shapes and sizes. I see the exact moment her eyes travel down to my waist, seeing the evidence of my arousal. She bites her plump bottom lip, eyes glued to my growing erection visible through my tight pants. My hands clench at my sides, physically needing an anchor to hold myself back from striding over to her and wrapping her into a tight embrace.
Focus Mateo, there will be time for that. I need to figure out how to endure pain in the ass Osias’ presence before anything can happen between us. Exhaling a long, pained sigh, I know what I need to do, even though the thought alone makes my chest tighten uncomfortably. I can’t be the one to comfort her, the one to give her pleasure, not yet. Now I need to be the one to push her, to keep her on track even though it sends a pang straight to my heart.
“What the hell is this?” I ask with no amusement in my tone. The words make her eyes snap up to mine, and her brows crease at the stern look I’m giving both of them. Even Maximus tilts his head in confusion.
“Is this your idea of training?” I ask incredulously, giving them both a look of distaste. Liv stiffens at my look, and a pained expression crosses her face. The look makes my gut twist with guilt, but this needs to be done.
Maximus starts towards me, but I turn on my heel, surprisingly losing the thrill for the fight at this moment. I need to get out of here as fast as possible before my resolve crumbles beneath me.
“There’s only a week left until the first trial. Focus on training, not fucking,” I throw over my shoulder, knowing my jab will hit its mark. I don’t dare look back, not wanting Liv’s pained expression to be burned into my mind any longer than it already will be.
I push the door open and stride down the hall. Feigning the confidence that normally exudes from my every pore. What’re a few months compared to the rest of our immortal existence? I need her to be safe, that’s my first priority. The rest will come later.