Page 40 of Deception
That’s part of the issue, this anger, this jealousy, isn’t me. This connection I feel with Liv is throwing me off my axis, bringing up thoughts and emotions I never thought I would have. I always wished to find my mate, but it seemed as though it would never happen after millennia of searching.
Even after Aurelia, the god of lust’s indiscretions, I didn’t get upset I just left, and she had actually betrayed me.
I’m not used to caring for another so deeply. Of course, I care for my brothers, but it’s not the same.
A deep ache throbs in my chest at the sorrow I saw in her eyes and the tone of regret that tinged her words. I don’t want to hurt her, hell staying away from her is breaking me too. But I need to get my thoughts sorted and keep my distance until I’m able to think properly.
I didn’t lie to her though, it would need to be soon, because staying away from her was taking just as much of a toll on me too.
* * *
“You’re serious?” I squeal, leaping at Maximus. I tightly wrap my arms around him, burying my face into his chest and inhaling his masculine scent of dry cedar and clove deeply. His muscles tense against me for a moment, shocked at the sudden movement before he wraps his thick, corded arms around me. One hand threads through my hair, cradling my face into him.
My tough god of destruction is holding me tenderly against him in the middle of the crowded hallway. I nearly chuckle to myself, never thinking I’d see the day. I feel the stream of students part around us, but I don’t bother to lift my head from his chest, enjoying the feel of his powerful body wrapped around mine.
“I guess you deserve to see your friends after all your hard work,” he mumbles, his lips gently pressing against the top of my head. I feel his chest rumble against my cheek with each word, and I can’t help the smile that tilts my lips up.
“Besides, if you don’t know how to fight by now, I’m not sure what an extra half an hour will accomplish.”
I gasp in mock outrage and push out of his hold. His arms reluctantly drop from around me, and he frowns down at me. I stifle the burst of laughter that bubbles up at that look. So irked that I pulled out of his arms so soon, I could just pinch his cheeks. The grumpy surly bastard is just too cute sometimes.
So I do just that, reaching up, I pinch his cheeks between my thumbs and forefingers, giving him a little playful shake. His eyes widen in shock, and I raise on my toes, giving him a chaste kiss on his lips.
He looks down at me begrudgingly, his lips turning down into a slight scowl. Indecision wars in his gaze, undoubtedly debating between scolding me for the playful gesture, and—judging by the heated look he now gives me—bending his mouth down to meet mine in a hungry, passionate kiss.
I wet my lips, my excitement ratcheting up at the prospect, but it’s just way too much fun to mess with him.
“An hour,” I declare, and lean up to place another teasing kiss on his lips. I dart away before his hands can wrap around my waist and press me against him. His scowl grows as his hands curl around thin air. I turn on my heel, hiding the small giggle from him, and skip gleefully towards the dining hall, leaving him in a daze, unable to dispute my amendment.
“Princess,” he growls behind me. Clearly, my words must have just registered in his mind. Picking up my pace, I weave in and out of students, knowing despite how fast he may be, his bulky form will never be able to maneuver around them as quickly as I can.
I snicker at his roar of frustration and push through the dining hall doors. Hurriedly waving at my friends before darting over the array of food, wasting no time. I mean, he couldn’t change his mind if I already have food in my hand, right?
My preoccupied mind barely registers the food I’m piling onto my plate. I pause at the large masculine shadow cast over me, knowing the looming figure is Maximus, finally catching up with me.
I glance behind me and smile up at him, passing him an extra plate I’d gathered, having held it under my own until he decided to make his appearance.
The glower plastered on his face morphs as his brows raise, his eyes blinking in shock, clearly not expecting the gesture. He continues staring down at me, frozen in place, and I purse my lips, nudging him with the proffered plate.
“You know what a plate is, right? You don’t eat all your meals on the go, do you?” I ask, my brow quirking up. He grumbles something unintelligible under his breath and snatches the plate, scowling down at me.
“Of course I know what a plate is.” he scoffs, yet he keeps the plate dangling at his side, still unmoving.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” I chuckle, nudging him with my shoulder. “I want you to eat lunch with me, so grab some food.”
My words have obviously confused him, as he merely gazes back down at me in surprise.
“You don’t want to eat with your friends?” His brows knit together in confusion. I huff out a breath of exasperation, glancing around to see we’re holding up the entire cafeteria. A long line of students is formed behind us, waiting patiently for the god of destruction to collect his food. They cower back as he follows my gaze, some even quivering in fear.
I hook my elbow around his, guiding him over to the food, needing to distract him—well, both of us really—from their fearful glances. I don’t miss the few students that shrink back at my presence.
“Yes, I want to have lunch with my friends, but I want you there too.” I drag him along with me and scoop food onto his plate, which he hurriedly straightens to avoid the mound of rice spilling all over the floor.
“I can just wait—”
“Nope.” I cut him off now, not allowing him to finish that thought. “I want you with me, now fill up that plate,” I direct him, and he blinks down at the already half-full plate, taking in all the food I’ve piled there while we were talking.