Page 5 of Deception
Agust of air brushes against my skin, ruffling my hair and brushing it back from my face. I barely recognize the shift in the air for what it is. My eyes glued to the sand, sifting through my splayed fingers—there in one moment and gone in the next—just like Adrian.
“Olivia,” I hear a masculine voice exclaim, the tone familiar, yet not the voice echoing through my mind. The question of why did I leave playing on repeat like a skipping record in my head. Warm hands cup my cheeks, tipping my head up gently to find a pair of honey-brown ones.
“Kyros.” The name leaves my lips. I hardly recognize the hollowness of my own words. “I’m so sorry.” The words barely more than a whisper.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He asks the questions in such quick succession they struggle to register in my mind.
“I’m sorry—I’m sorry I left.” I finally meet his eyes properly this time, seeing the concern and sadness there—none of the anger that was in Adrian’s.
“Shh,” he soothes, drawing me into his chest. I rest my cheek against him, savoring the feeling of comfort and safety he always evokes. “We can talk about all of that later.” He smooths a hand over my hair, cradling my head against him.
“No,” I insist, pushing away from him. Not wanting to take comfort in his embrace when I had just hurt him, hurt all of them.
“I hurt you—”
He cuts off my words, pulling me back into him. “It was a misunderstanding. Just because you hurt me doesn’t mean I’m going to hurt you back.” He freezes, pulling away from me just enough to meet my eyes. “Is that what happened here? Adrian just left you here like this?” he asks incredulously.
I purse my lips, not knowing how exactly to answer. Yes, technically, Adrian did leave me here, but I didn’t want them to fight. Not over me, not over what I had done to them. He had every right to react like he did, especially after seeing—
My stomach twists at the thought, at the lengths I was willing to go to just to feel like my old self again. To convince myself that I could push down my feelings for these men. That I could just walk away.
“He has every right to be angry, just like you.” I try to pull out of his grip again, but he doesn’t let go, freezing me with his look.
“I need this.” The words are so real and raw I stop fighting against his hold. “I need to feel you in my arms. Yes, you hurt me, but I’ve been going out of my mind with worry for the past few days. We all have. I just need to feel you safe in my arms right now. The rest—the rest we can figure out later. As long as you promise to come to me with these thoughts and feelings rather than keeping them bottled inside.”
Moisture wells in my eyes at his words, and warmth fills my chest at the fact that he didn’t want to just walk away from me, labeling me as someone not worth his time any longer after the way I walked out on them. Instead, he pulls me back into his chest just as the tears fall in earnest. I clutch at his back, not realizing how much I needed this—needed him, too, until this moment.
His chest shakes against mine, his tears falling onto my shoulder. I smooth my hand over his back, trying to comfort him just as much as he’s taking care of me.
“I don’t think you realize the danger you could have been in, Olivia. Titus just attacked us. He easily could have taken you, and none of us would have known.”
My chest tightens at his words. I had been so self-involved that I put not only myself but everyone else at the resort, including my friends, at risk. Just because I wanted to run from my problems.
I nod against his chest, my arms tightening around him. Knowing that no apology or explanation would justify my actions. Both of our breathing finally settles, taking comfort in each other’s presence. He threads his hand through my hair, kissing the top of my head. The gesture is so sweet it warms my heart, relaxing me further. I mold my body against his, not wanting to move from this spot, even with the scorching afternoon sun beating down on us and the sand plastered against my skin.
“Liv?” Nelle calls, the sound of footsteps growing louder. I peek up from my place nestled against Kyros as she makes her way around the corner.
“Oh.” She stops in her tracks, eyebrows creasing, her head tilting to the side.
“He isn’t god boy,” she observes, pointing at Kyros and me. I feel Kyros’s chest vibrate under my cheeks from his laughter. We both reluctantly part, and he helps me up from the sand. I grimace at the sand stuck to my knees from staying there for too long.
“God boy?” Kyros questions. Moving to my side, he hooks an arm around me as though I might just topple over at any second. Which I just might with all the alcohol and emotional turmoil mixing inside of me. Definitely not a great combination.
“Ya, where did he go? I would really like to give him a piece of my mind.” Nelle huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. Darting her gaze around us, searching for him. As though he would magically pop up from behind us. On second thought, I guess that is actually something he could do.
“He isn’t here anymore,” I say swiftly, not wanting to continue talking about Adrian.
“He left?” she asks incredulously, stalking toward us. I narrow my eyes on her, hoping she’ll leave it at that. “Especially after how he just marched in there and dragged you away.”
I grit my teeth at her, not wanting her to stir the tension between the two men any more than it already had been. Nelle gives me a nonchalant shrug, not caring about the trouble she was about to cause.
“Nelle’s just being dramatic.” I wave off his concern, urging Nelle to keep her mouth shut this time. She rolls her eyes, tapping her foot impatiently. Nelle finally relents, sighing in defeat before stomping away from us. She pauses, turning on her heel to face us again.
“Oh, by the way, I’m Nelle. The best friend,” she says sternly, as though that title is the equivalent of assassin or something. “I already like you better than god boy, just don’t let it get to your head.” With that, she turns back around, continuing her stomping until I can no longer hear her footsteps.
“Well, that was interesting.” Kyros chuckles, pulling me into his side.
“Oh, trust me, that’s nothing compared to the other stunts she’s pulled.” I lament, tucking my face into his chest.