Page 59 of Deception
I push down that urge, sticking close to Adrian. Not wanting our burgeoning relationship to be affected by my instinct to seek comfort with the others. He had never truly seen me with them, had been the one I turned to and sought comfort from in my first month in this realm. Kyros and Maximus have been the ones I’ve turned to recently. I’ll need to include them all if this whole four mates thing is ever going to work.
Maximus’ gaze moves from me to Adrian, and he huffs out a breath of annoyance as I stick to Adrian’s side, having seen my attempt to go to him. Kyros finally manages to shoulder past Maximus, his smile brightening on me, seeing me unharmed. He glances between Maximus and Adrian, and frowns at the sight. Both gods stare at each other unblinking, their facial expressions growing more and more disgruntled despite the silence that rings throughout the room.
Kyros joins in, the three of them seemingly having a silent conversation. Except that shouldn’t be possible. My gaze darts between the three of them, as though I can follow their silent conversation just by watching their facial expressions.
I blink as realization hits me, I keep thinking this is the mortal world, not taking their powers into account. Even after having witnessed so many things I never thought were possible before in the past two months. They very well could be speaking to each other, keeping me out of the loop.
“What the hell is going on here?” I ask incredulously, still clinging to the hope that I could be wrong. The three gods blink in confusion, not expecting my outburst. Apparently too caught up in their own conversation, because yes, at this point I’m almost certain they’re communicating with each other.
To my surprise, they at least have the decency to look chagrined at my words. They glance at each other as though waiting for the other to answer me. I take a step away from them, impatiently tapping my foot and propping my hands on my hips. My brow raises expectantly, urging them to explain.
“Well … ” Kyros begins, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He darts a nervous look to Adrian, searching for help, but he merely shrugs his shoulders and takes a step back. Deserting Kyros to take all the heat. I narrow my gaze on each of them in turn, warning them that there will be no way that any of them escapes this unscathed.
“We can speak to each other with our minds,” Maximus says, sighing in exasperation. As though having to answer is a great inconvenience to him.
“How?” I ask simply, crossing my arms over my chest, giving them an indignant look.
Adrian and Kyros bristle, but Maximus continues on, unbothered by their infuriated glares. “It’s a by-product of the blood bond.”
“The blood bond?” I choke out, the words catching me off guard. “But me and Nelle—”
“No, it wouldn’t work on you two, both parties need to be gods to develop the mind link.” Adrian steps forward, cutting off my words, his brow creasing with worry. After all, he was the one that introduced the blood bond to me.
I nod slowly, running the new information over in my mind. All of the anger that had built within me leaves, and my lips tilt down, feeling a pang of loss for the small amount of hope that bubbled up in my chest at the thought of having a similar connection with Nelle.
My gut also twists at the connection between these four gods, not only their blood bond but their ability to have a completely separate conversation, effectively blocking me out from a part of their life. I know they’ve all known each other since their creation and have had a close familial bond ever since, but a small selfish part of me clams up at that—wishing I could be included too.
I realize the room has grown quiet, and three gods are assessing me. Maximus examines me, attempting to gauge the thought buried deep inside. I clear my throat, and with that, I push down those feelings of loneliness that creep up my chest, strengthening their grip around my throat.
I struggle to pull in a deep calming breath, not ready to show that much vulnerability, not just yet. Instead, I force myself to pull on the earlier irritation that bubbled up at the monumental secret they’ve been keeping from me, forcing myself to feign irritation rather than the dejected feeling that still threatens to overtake me.
I notice my arms, once crossed over my chest in a menacing gesture, now curve around me, as though attempting to console myself from the feeling of isolation that threatens to wash over me.
“And you didn’t think that was an important piece of information?” I pin them with my all-encompassing glare, not letting any of them off the hook. To which Maximus huffs out a breath of annoyance, clearly assuming he would be spared from my withering stare since he was the one to finally spill the secret.
I give him an incredulous look, and he purses his lips. Nope, he would not get off any easier, since he wouldn’t even tell me until I asked them directly. But, seriously, how had I not noticed before? I shake my head. I just want a bit of space to search through my memories and pick out moments to grill them on.
I stride past Kyros and Maximus, barely dodging the latter’s outstretched hand that moves to wrap around me. I push open the door, but pause. Images of Adrian’s guarded face flash before me.
“I’ll meet you at the library in a bit, Kyros, I just need to take a walk.” I throw over my shoulder, my anger deflating at the thought of storming out without assuring them I would be back.
Despite needing some time to think over all this new information and to analyze each of the moments we’ve all been together. I don’t want them to think I’m slipping into the old Liv, the one that would run off because she couldn’t deal.
I turn, giving them all a weak smile before letting the door close behind me. Hoping with that brief glance, they didn’t see the sheen of tears welling up in my eyes.