Page 61 of Deception
I let the wave of confidence that sentiment brings wash over me, letting it sink into my bones, and a weight leaves my chest as a genuine smile creeps across my face. I peel my eyes open, meeting Adrian’s once more, and I give him a sure nod, allowing him to see the conviction behind it.
I gasp in surprise as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his hard chest. I hate the hesitancy I feel as his hands search for the right place to sit along my curves, wishing I could have the mischievous Adrian back, not for the first time today. Leaning my head against his chiseled pecs, I relax into the embrace. The tension leaves his body as he looses a sigh of relief, wrapping his arms tighter around me, his touch feeling like home. He tips his head down, lips lightly brushing against the shell of my ear. Warmth floods my body as the small teasing touch sends a shiver of desire up my spine, making me arch my back and press my chest against his. I don’t miss the frustrated groan rumble from his chest, vibrating against mine, despite his attempt to hide it.
“Promise me you’ll relax and enjoy tonight?” His breath lightly caresses against the sensitive skin of my ear, sending a thrill of pleasure through my body. I inhale sharply at the contact, basking in the moment before his words register. I pull back slightly, just enough to peer up at him through my lashes, quirking a brow in question. Enjoy myself? I would be doing what I normally do, training and having a lesson with Kyros before eventually falling into a dreamless sleep.
I shudder. I’m still sleeping uneasily after the vivid vision I had almost played out before me in real life. Most nights, I toss and turn until the wee hours of the morning, finally easing into sleep before being awoken mere hours later. I still haven’t told anyone about the dream, unsure if it’s actually of any consequence or not. Maybe it won’t happen again? I think wistfully, hoping not to experience my near-death again anytime soon.
“What’s happening tonight?” I ask, trying to pull myself from my thoughts.
“You’ll see.” Adrian chuckles, smiling down at me. I quirk my lips, unsure if I should be excited or nervous about this surprise. My chest tightens. I really hate surprises. He lowers his head, seeming as though he’s about to place a chaste kiss upon the top of my head before he remembers himself, holding back, just as I had done earlier.
He clears his throat, reluctantly letting his hands slip from my lower back and stepping away. My skin chills at the loss of contact, pain slicing through me at the absence.
I force a smile, sure it doesn’t meet my eyes as I look back at him. A million unsaid words hang between us.
“Have fun tonight,” Adrian says again, ominously, moving his gaze from me to Kyros before turning to collect his things.
Kyros’ smile broadens as I meet his gaze, and I can’t help my answering one at the sight of his honey-brown eyes crinkling. He extends a hand, and my body moves automatically as if magnetically drawn to him. Sliding my hand into his warm, open palm.
“I’ll see you at the trial tomorrow,” Adrian says gruffly behind me, his soft tone from earlier completely vanishing now. I turn to read his face, needing to know if the few moments between us today were one-offs, and we are now back where we started.
Instead of the guarded gaze I expect, he regards me softly and he gives me a hesitant smile.
“Have a goodnight Adrian,” I answer, grinning slightly. Hope lifts my chest at his parting smile as I follow Kyros out into the hallway. My stomach flutters with anticipation at the progress we’ve made—not only in the past two weeks—but today especially. My thoughts wander to what could have happened if we weren’t interrupted.
* * *
“What’s the plan for today?”I ask Kyros excitedly as we enter the library.
“Shh,” a man scolds from behind the librarian’s desk, and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. My ears still ring with the noise from the bustling hallway, not having adjusted yet to the quiet atmosphere of the library. Despite that, I might as well have a bit of fun with the uptight librarian assistant.
“So sorry, I’ll keep my voice down,” I shout across to him, and do a poor job at concealing my smirk as his face twists in frustration. I give him an excited wave, with my empty to-go cup still clutched in my hand. Ignoring the look of contempt he pins me with. The man should lighten up, sure, he may live forever, but what kind of existence will it be with the stick shoved so far up his ass?
Kyros shakes his head in amusement and guides me to his office, promptly ignoring the sputtering assistant as we pass him at the desk. If he isn’t careful, he’s going to blow a gasket. Tossing the empty cup into the trash, I give it a forlorn look, wishing I had more of the delicious life juice to sustain me.
“The plan for today is to relax,” he says with a playful grin, his hand poised on the door to his office.
I quirk a brow in question, not understanding why we would be going to his office if we were going to relax. I open my mouth to ask just then when he opens his office door to reveal … not his office?
I glance between him and the cozy restaurant nestled in place of where his office should be. He chuckles at my confused stare, bending down to kiss the crease in my brow. As though my confused expression is somehow cute to him.
“What is this?” I ask, my voice a soft rasp as I take in the quaint restaurant. The interior looks like a small bistro, the walls are painted white with black-and-white photos adorning the walls. A glass display case lines the far wall, filled with delicious looking pastries. And a single table sits in the middle of the room, a light wood dining set, covered with forest green linen, complementing the light, natural hardwood floors.
“This is our date.” His smile brightens, taking in my astonished expression, and his hand slips from mine, moving to rest at the small of my back. “The one we’ve put off for long enough.”
With that, his hand guides me forward, allowing me to enter before him. My chest warms at the gesture, and my smile grows brighter as my gaze darts around the small bistro, taking in every detail.
“Adrian helped me set it up, of course,” he explains, taking a step away from me, his gaze roving over me, assessing my reactions. He rubs the back of his neck, nervously darting his gaze around the room and back to me. “We both thought you could use a break.”
“I love it,” I exclaim, cutting off his following words. I catch his sigh of relief before I wind my arms around his athletic build and press my cheek against his sculpted chest. He places a tender kiss atop my forehead, and I tilt my face up, needing to feel his soft lips upon mine.
He grins down at me, kindly obliging me as his mouth descends on mine, caressing me in a soft, sweet kiss. He groans in protest as he pulls away slowly, glancing at the table as though eating is the last thing on his mind. Well, I wouldn’t mind if he decided to eat something else instead …
I bite my bottom lip, taking in his slightly rumpled dress shirt and grey suit vest. My hand itches to rip them off of him.
No, down Liv. He did something nice, we should at least get some sustenance first before we move onto more strenuous activities. Despite the direction I attempt to force my thoughts in, his heated gaze distracts me, showing me exactly where his thoughts lie.
Much to my dismay, he clears his throat, dispersing the haze of lust that clouded his gaze. I pout, startling a chuckle from him.