Page 74 of Deception
I hate to admit it, but she needs more than one of us, and our personalities seem to fit hers perfectly, fulfilling all her wishes. If it makes her as happy and fulfilled as I feel, then that’s what I want for her. I love seeing her joy and happiness, her smile, that elated glow that radiates from her.
Maximus barrels past me, darting straight for Helene, having noticed the show of power as well. He’s hanging on to his power by a thread, especially without Liv here to put his mind at ease. He usually wouldn’t be swayed by such a small show of force, but today, anyone’s guess is as good as mine as to the lengths he would take.
I have half a mind to let him tear her to shreds, but we can’t just yet, not without more information, not without knowing their entire plan. Besides, if we can’t find any concrete evidence against them, they would still have power over the school and could make Liv’s life even more complicated than they already are.
I clasp a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back, when a sound near the door causes us both to pause. The double doors swing open, the force driving the bronze doors to crash against the marble walls, sending chunks of the smooth rock colliding with the floor. Liv strides through the doors with Adrian at her back. Her hands splayed wide.
I inhale sharply at the sight, relief washing away some of the tension I carried from needing to see her and make sure she’s okay.
Not only is she okay, but she exudes power and strength as she strides forward. I feel the tension leave Maximus too, his muscles loosening under my touch, and he steps back to observe her fully. My hand falls away from his shoulder, hanging loosely at my side as I take her in, her golden wings out and on display, her form-fitting racerback tank showing off her curves while allowing her wings to extend fully. The rays of sun streaming in through the paned windows catch on her golden wings, illuminating them and sending a cascade of sparkling light across the floor.
I’ve seen the same wings on all of the majors, but on her, they are magnificent. She looks every ounce of the god she is, her immense power on full display, sitting just below the surface.
My eyes travel down her body, roving over every strong, beautiful curve emphasized by her tight black pants. She wears her signature burgundy heels, clicking loudly against the marble floor, demanding every eye in the room turn to her. I can’t help mirror Maximus’ grin, pride filling my chest at the fact that I get to call this amazing, beautiful god my mate.
She holds my gaze then Maximus’, giving us a small imperceptible smile, clearly not wanting anyone else to see the break in her look of determination. The grin is gone a moment later, wiped away as though it was never there, as she glances up at the stage, giving Mateo and her father a nod in greeting.
She doesn’t move up the stairs, to my surprise. Instead, she stands before the council between the stage and the first row of seats where the council stays bound.
Adrian sidles in on my other side, leaving Liv front and center. He’s unable to wipe the devious grin from his face. I eye him curiously, taking in his change in demeanor. Clearly, the two of them had a discussion or more for them to be so comfortable around one another once more. Their previous awkward tiptoeing is gone.
“So, how is she?”I ask immediately, taking my gaze off of Olivia for a moment to assess Adrian.
“She’s great, as you can see, thoroughly sated and ready to kick some council ass.”Adrian projects his smug grin, which only spreads with his thoughts.
I purse my lips, wishing I had been the one to stay with her, not for the first time this afternoon. Staying in bed with our mate or listening to a room full of snide remarks and dick-measuring, I think the choice is pretty obvious.
I glance over to Maximus, who shakes his head at Adrian’s words, huffing out a breath of annoyance at the implication. Sure, his thoughts are running along the same path as mine.
Mateo’s eyes are already on the three of us, having been privy to the entire conversation so far. His fists clench at his sides, teeth gritting for a moment before he pulls a mask of indifference over his features, redirecting his gaze back to Olivia.
My brow furrows at the strange expression, he didn’t seem as though he was jealous of any of us before. But lately, he’s put distance between himself and the rest of us. Now that Adrian is out of his wallowing hole, it’s time to figure out what exactly is going on with Mateo.
“Enough is enough,” Olivia announces, drawing my gaze back to her. She places her hands on her hips in a commanding gesture. Staring down her nose at the four council members, she pins them with a look of contempt.
“I allowed you to make the rules, allowed you to bend them at your will. I followed along, and I played your games, but that ends today.” She takes a step forward, ensnaring each of them in her glare before landing on Helene and staying there. “Do whatever the hell you want to me, but you endanger my family? I’m done abiding by your rules.”
My chest warms at her admission, her inclusion of the four of us into her family. Maximus stiffens at her words, and I purse my lips, scared he’s about to make her regret saying those words.
“She puts herself in too much fucking danger.”He projects before stepping forward. His glare focused on our mate, his hands reaching out as though he can scoop her up all the way over here.
I extend a hand, clasping his forearm and halting him in place.
“Let her do this Maximus, don’t undermine her power in front of them. We may not agree with her willingness to put herself in harm’s way, but that’s something you can discuss later.”
He huffs out a breath of irritation but doesn’t take another step, much to my relief. I let my hand drop away—not that it was doing much of anything, and he crosses his arms over his broad chest, staring daggers at the council members. His muscles poised to leap forward at a moment’s notice.
“Oh really, what do you think you’re going to do about it?” Helene sneers back. She winces in pain as she moves to stand, Nyssa’s power constricting around her like a vise.
Maximus vibrates with anxious energy, fighting his instincts to get between the two of them and protect Liv. Hell, despite my earlier words, I even want to intervene, even though I know Liv can take care of herself.
A whoosh of air brushes against my face, drawing my attention up. Osias’ wings extend, gracefully lowering himself to stand beside Olivia. My gaze moves between the two of them, father and daughter, the same look of disdain on both their faces. I blink, unsure of how I hadn’t placed her as Osias’ daughter before returning from Mexico. Their facial features are so similar, their eyes the same shade of sea-green.
“Oh Helene, do you think I’ve been twiddling my thumbs this entire time?” Osias asks snidely. He doesn’t move forward. Instead, he stays by Olivia’s side, not exerting his authority over her or taking over the conversation.
Helene narrows her gaze on him, the calculating gleam flashing in her brown eyes as she assesses the new positions on the chessboard. Always watching, learning, and scheming her next move.
“No, I’ve been scouring the old archives which give the council their power. Their details long forgotten as your role prior to now has been so minimal, you were nothing more than an annoying fly on the wall.” Osias crosses his arms across his chest and cocks a brow in challenge, daring the god of sea to say anything against him.