Page 84 of Deception
“Okay Mateo, share what the hell is going on. You can’t go from acting like a possessive prick earlier to not even wanting to spend a few minutes with our girl,” Adrian says, his words causing Mateo to pause, his shoulders radiating with tension.
“It’s none of your business,” Mateo grumbles. He glances back at me, that same pained look crossing his face. It happens so quickly that by the time I blink, his head’s already snapped back towards the stairs, his footsteps smacking against the hardwood as he stalks towards them.
Maximus moves his arms to lift me off his lap, and I look up at his face, seeing the growing rage building there, stares at Mateo’s form stomping up the wooden stairs.
“Hey, it’s okay, just stay with me,” I murmur, pushing aside the heavy feeling in my chest as I give him a weak smile. I don’t want them fighting with each other, especially not when it’s an issue for the two of us to resolve.
Indecision wars, his gaze flicking from mine to Mateo’s back. Finally, his arms move back to wrap around me, and I’m not sure if it’s my words or the hurt he can clearly see on my face that convinces him to stay with me, to comfort me.
I relax into Maximus’ arms, letting his warm embrace comfort me against the cold, bereft feeling that washes over me with Mateo’s departure. My mind races as I think about how to broach this topic with him because enough is enough. I’ve given him time to come to me, to come to terms with whatever has been weighing so heavily on his mind. Not only is this distance having a negative impact on me, but it’s affecting my other mates now too, his brothers.
“Hey, when’s it going to be my turn?” Adrian asks, and I sigh in relief as his words break the building tension hanging thick in the air. I let loose a small giggle as Maximus’ arms tighten around me and glance up to give Adrian a grateful smile.
I turn to face Adrian and Kyros, relaxing against Maximus’ chest as they begin to relay why it should be their turn. The bickering is light-hearted, and a smile tilts my lips at their attempts to lighten the mood.
My chest warms with their teasing banter, the feeling of familiarity and family washing over me. In a few short months, my life went from having only Nelle and my mostly absent father to having four mates. Three of them constantly show me how much they care for me, their brotherly connection with one another allowing me to easily slip in and fill in the cracks between them.
I can’t help but let my mind wander to what it would be like with all four of them if Mateo had just given in and pulled me into his arms. Soon, I promise myself. After seeing this and glimpsing what it could be like with all four of my mates, sitting around like this as one, my mind resolves to find an opportunity to make this vision a reality.
Because after seeing this and what it could be, there’s no way I would let this go.
* * *
“Girl, spill—everything.”I flop onto my bed, crossing my legs, and stare intently at Nelle through my phone.
“Look who’s talking. I refuse to say a word before you tell me everything.” She huffs, taking the time to prop her phone up on a pillow just so she can dramatically cross her arms over her chest.
“Fine.” I roll my eyes at my stubborn best friend, and she claps excitedly, knowing I would cave first. “Sheesh, has anyone told you how demanding you are?” I snicker under my breath at the indignant look she gives me.
“Only you. And you’re under some illusion thinking you aren’t just as demanding … if not more.” She emphasizes the last word, drawing out as she gives me a pointed look. “So, I’m not sure I should trust a word out of your mouth.”
I huff out an amused chuckle before my face grows serious, launching into everything that happened yesterday.
“Holy shit, Liv,” Nelle exclaims, after I finish the long list of events that made up my lovely day. “So this Helene is Domenic’s aunt because of the blood bond thing, right?” she chews her lips nervously, as though hoping she missed something.
“Ya, she is.” I hadn’t even realized that Domenic may have mixed feelings about all of this. I know he said he was glad she showed her true colors before, but she’s still the closest person he’d met to his mother. There must be some sort of jumble of emotions going on through his head right now.
“Well, remind me not to attend any of their family dinners.” she chuckles nervously, rubbing her bicep.
“Speaking of, it’s your turn. You never told me the two of you were still talking.” I eye her suspiciously, unsure why she would keep something like that from me.
“Okay babe, drop the attitude. We only started talking again recently, and I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure if anything was going to happen.” She shakes her head, giving me a look of exasperation.
“So, are you coming?” I ask nervously, wanting to see my best friend but not wanting to put her in an awkward situation if she didn’t actually like him.
“Are you kidding? Of course, I’m coming. I would never turn down the chance to see you, my sister from another mister. Ooh, speaking of, is Daddy Ollie, I mean Osias, going to be there? I would love the chance to ruffle that prim suit of his.”
She waggles her eyebrows in a lascivious gesture. Her laughter bursting forth a moment later at the look of absolute horror I give her. My eyes grow so wide, I’m sure they’re about to pop out of my head. I mime throwing up, which only makes her laugh harder, clutching her stomach in an attempt to keep herself upright.
“Your face,” she exclaims. “I wish I’d screen-recorded this call so I could watch that reaction over and over again.”
“You are pure evil, Penelope Warner.” I shake my head at her, giving her a disapproving look.
“Maybe, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.” She tilts her head, giving me a broad grin, using her hands to frame her chin in an innocent gesture.
“Too right you are. It just makes life so much more entertaining.” My smile grows even wider, wishing more than anything she could be here right now.
“Right? Life is too short to be good all the time.” She giggles, clasping the phone in her hands and bringing it closer to her face. “I should probably let you go and get some rest for all the training you have coming up. Not, that I want to,” she says with a sad smile.