Page 9 of Deception
“On second thought, you’re right. I’ll just head out,” he mumbles distractedly. I freeze, never having heard the asshole say anyone but himself is right before. Despite him doing exactly what I want him to do right now, I can’t help but want to stop him and find what he could have received that would make him change his mind so abruptly.
I bite my lip, indecision warring within me. I glance over to Maximus, who merely shrugs, his brows furrowed in confusion. Just as Osias turns around, motion draws my gaze out to the pathway. Three figures, still shrouded in darkness, begin to emerge.
Fuck—fuck—fuck. I glance back to Maximus, the fucker just as useless as always, just stands there in shock, unsure of what to do now. Asshole Osias always fucking ruins everything. Why couldn’t he get his little epiphany five minutes earlier?
“On second thought, why don’t we give you a tour of the school. I’m sure all the students and staff would love to meet their fearless leader,” I offer, attempting to usher him into the building. Anything to take his gaze off the forms of Kyros, Olivia, and Kali taking shape in the distance.
Osias only holds up a hand to silence me. The asshole must know just how much he continually sets my nerves off. I hold myself back, though, not wanting to get into the middle of a god fight with Olivia so close. Osias keeps his gaze trained on the three of them, making their way up the pathway now. Maximus shoots me a curious glance, to which I bare my teeth, giving him the finger. He can think of something then. Osias is about to meet our mate, the goddess that shouldn’t be in about five seconds flat.
I direct my gaze over to Olivia, a swath of sheer fabric tied around her waist, still wearing her swimsuit from the beach Adrian found her at. I grit my teeth at the fact that any other man got to see her like this, the red bikini top shows off her ample cleavage. But, if I’m honest, I’m mostly jealous that I didn’t get to see her first.
I purse my lips. Debating whether or not to clock the fucker over the head just for seeing her like this. My eyes trained on the back of Osias’ head. That’s when I notice his body language change, his shoulders slumping in relief. My eyes dart back to Olivia, and she stops in her tracks, her eyes widening in shock. Not on Maximus or me. No—on Osias. Her hands fall to her sides, dropping the beach bag that was propped on her shoulder, the contents spilling out onto the stone path.
“Dad?” she asks in disbelief, tears flooding her sea-green eyes, the same exact shade as my number one adversary. How had we not noticed this before? My mind had completely skipped over him when thinking of possibilities of her parents, especially since we’d been convinced the god of fire was her father after she used that power to battle against Titus and the shadow demons.
What kind of sick joke is the universe playing on me now?
* * *
My heart stops seeingthe three figures waiting for me on the front steps of the school. I recognize the hulking forms of both Maximus and Mateo, yet the third—my feet freeze, my eyes scanning his form. Taking in the familiar blond hair and sea-green eyes, just like my own. Yet his face looks younger than I remember it, making me pause for a moment despite his power suit being unmistakable. My mind flashes to the appointments with the personal shoppers and seamstresses. Helping him pick out every one of his hand-tailored suits.
My father is waiting on the front steps of the school for me. My father that everyone said couldn’t be my father, now that we’d learned I’m a goddess, not a demigod. My supposedly human father is standing in front of me, seemingly not caring that he is surrounded by some of the most powerful gods in the realm. He looks at least twenty years younger, more like how I remember him looking as a child. The laugh lines and crow’s feet are no longer visible on his handsome face.
His shoulders slump in relief at the sight of me. Yet, his gaze remains wary, darting subtle glances to the three gods surrounding him. I barely feel the bag drop from my shoulder, my arms falling limply at my sides of their own volition.
“Dad?” I squeak, my tone a mix of relief and confusion. Not exactly knowing how this is happening right now, and frankly not caring. My petty reasons for not calling him sooner evaporate at the sight of him, at his reaction to that word. His face breaks, the last shreds of his usual mask of indifference he shows the rest of the world cracking before me.
I rush towards the stairs at the same time he descends them. Meeting in a collision at the bottom. My usually stony father wraps me into a tight embrace. His large hands cradle my face into his chest.
“I’m so sorry, Olivia,” he rushes out, before I even get a chance to say anything. He smooths a hand over my hair in a comforting gesture. The confusion and sadness from this past month resurface at his words—the emotions crashing over me like a tsunami. My chest shudders, the first sign of tears pricking at my eyes. Not caring how many people will see me crying in my father’s arms.
“I’m so sorry for not preparing you for this. I never should have left you alone on your birthday. This shouldn’t have happened,” he soothes, wrapping me tighter against him. “We have to go,” he whispers against my ear before pulling back slightly to hold my gaze, his expression serious once more.
My lips pull down into a frown, seeing the fear in his eyes. I can’t leave, especially not after what I just did, what I found out before I ran away.
“I can’t—” I start, my words cut off by the sound of footsteps rushing down the stairs. Mateo and Maximus standing on either side of us a moment later. My father curses, turning towards the gods and shielding me from their view.
“I suggest you forget what you just heard, gentlemen. Otherwise, I will make your life a living hell,” he warns, guiding me back down the cobblestone path—his tone a clear warning.
“Dad, wait—” I try to explain, but Mateo interrupts, speaking over me.
“You won’t be taking my mate anywhere,” he bellows, the words reverberating through the otherwise silent courtyard—fury blazes in his cold eyes. I wince at his words, wishing he could have broken the news a bit more gently. A sword forms at his side out of thin air, ready to fight my father rather than let me go again. Without thinking, I step in front of him, shielding my father from the god of war.
“You won’t touch my father,” I vow, with just as much fire in my words. He stills, shocked into silence, his sword fading instantly back into nothing.
“Olivia,” father admonishes, pushing me back behind him again. I open my mouth to argue, yet he catches me off guard, his mouth opening and closing, no words falling from his lips. Completely speechless. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a time where anyone, especially me, has left him fumbling for words.
“Is it true?” he asks, his mind finally catching up with the statement flung from Mateo’s lips.
“Not exactly,” Kyros starts, stepping forward, inserting himself between Mateo and my father. I don’t miss how Maximus now moves to cover the pathway. Blocking off my father’s planned escape route.
“I knew it.” My father starts forward, malice gleaming in his eyes, focused squarely on Mateo.
“What I mean to say,” Kyros rushes out in an attempt to hold him at bay. “It isn’t the entire truth. Liv is mated to Mateo, yes, but she is also mated to me, Maximus and Adrian.”
His eyes move to each of the three men in disbelief before landing on me. I merely shrug, too new to the world and the idea of mates to really be able to say for certain. I mean, I have been inexplicably drawn to the four of them since I first laid eyes on them. Apparently, that’s some part of the mate pull or something. My frazzled mind desperately tries to piece together the fragmented bits of conversation I could remember from that day.