Page 24 of Stalked By Monsters
“You waited for me.” Denver chuckles as he casually strolls from the open double doors, his hands leisurely tucked into his pockets. He looks so nonchalant, as though he isn’t even affected by what just happened between us.
“You and I both know that would never happen,” I scoff, hoping he doesn’t see through the fake air of confidence I’m putting on right now.
“Never say, never, Hart,” he murmurs. He takes a step towards me, and my guards drop again as his intoxicating presence wraps around me. And just like that, I’m powerless. My body takes control, my brain happily taking the backseat and enjoying the ride.
Footsteps echo on the stone stairs and we jump apart, my back pressing against the banister as far as I can to put some distance between us. My heart jolts and I keep still, hoping whoever is coming up hasn’t seen us before.
Denver’s jaw ticks but he keeps his distance, his gaze warily sliding to the person turning the corner. I hurriedly straighten my spine and pull my shoulders back.
“Ms. Hart, perfect timing,” an older woman exclaims, her grey hair pinned in thick curls atop her head. An emerald robe trails behind her, the only sign of her position with the modern black dress suit she wears. “Mr Prince, I’m sure you have somewhere else to be.”
My stomach sours as realization slams into me. I almost completely forgot about my meeting with the headmistress after what happened between the stacks. Now she’s seen Denver and me together, and judging by the thin line her lips press into, she doesn’t seem very impressed. Just perfect. I’m sure Glenda will be getting a call about this as soon as I leave her office.
“Of course, Headmistress Graves,” Denver says politely. I do my best to hide my shock from my face as he inclines his head in respect. He turns the corner to head down the stairs but he pauses behind the headmistress for just a moment, his gaze almost apologetic before he descends the stairs, leaving me alone with the woman now giving me an assessing stare.
“My office is right over here,” Headmistress Graves says, gesturing to the row of doors on the other side of the stairs.
I give her a polite smile and follow after her, hoping my heart will calm its frantic pace before I’m forced to be alone in a room with her. Taking a deep breath, I force the smile to stay on my face, my cheeks aching with the effort, as she opens the door for me. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had to smile for this damn long but I need to play nice. This woman not only holds my future in my hands but she could very well report everything back to Glenda in an instant if I’m not careful.
“Have a seat, Aria,” she says, apparently dropping her former formality.
I slip into the nearest chair, self-aware of my pantyless ass as I perch on the edge of the solid wood seat. I see she really took notes from my grandmother on how to treat a guest. Lovely.
“Your grandmother set this meeting up as a way for you to get a better understanding of what exactly is expected of you here, and judging by who I just saw you with, it’s a good thing she did,” Headmistress Graves says, clucking her tongue in disapproval as she takes her seat on the other side of the massive oak desk. The candlelight flickers in the sconces around the room casting an eerie glow over the gory oil paintings depicting war and bloodshed that surround her.
A shiver of unease runs up my spine, but I force my gaze back on her, pushing down the urge to get the hell out of this place.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” I say coolly, hoping to play off the encounter as a coincidence. There’s no way she caught anything suspicious going on between us other than just breathing the same air.
“Don’t play coy with me,” she spits out, vitriol leaking from her words. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes as she gathers her self-control once more. My eyes widen a fraction on the elderly woman, my skin prickling in warning at the unhinged anger that just burst from her. “You may be next in line as coven leader, but you’re not my superior yet, Aria. You’re my student and I won’t handle any sort of disrespect, is that clear?” she asks, obviously straining to keep her anger under check.
My teeth grind but I bite my tongue, swallowing the sharp words that nearly spill from my lips. It takes every ounce of strength I have, but I nod stiffly, willing to play along at least for now. Because she’s right, I’m not her superior—yet. The long game might not be as satisfying in the here and now, but when the time comes, I’ll rejoice in stripping the bitch’s title and position from her.
“Good,” Headmistress Graves huffs, a self-satisfied grin spreading on her lips. “My duty is to the Hart Coven, and as your grandmother is still the leader, I must follow her instructions.”
“And what exactly has Glenda ordered you to do?” I ask, lifting a brow in question. My phrasing must grate on her nerves since she glowers back at me, her patience slipping again before she’s able to smooth out her features once more.
“Your grandmother has asked me to watch out for you and report anything suspicious back to her,” Graves says, her tone brimming with pride as if she’s actually of some importance to Glenda rather than just a tool at her disposal. “And the position I caught you in with the Prince heir is definitely something she wouldn’t be happy to hear about.”
“What position would that be exactly?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest as I glare back at her with an apathetic look. My nerves ratchet at her line of thought but I can’t give away anything. If I act like there’s something to hide that will only make her more suspicious.
“Well you were—”
“Talking? Like classmates are sometimes forced to do,” I cut her off, ignoring the flicker of rage that ignites in her hazel eyes at the interruption. “Trust me, I wish I didn’t have to speak to him either, but unfortunately, with being in the same school and the animosity that runs between our families, there are going to be words exchanged, and not pleasant ones.”
She pauses for a moment, her keen eyes assessing me, searching for any slip up that might give her some dirt.
“Even my grandmother invited them to my graduation party. Do I like the Prince Coven? No. Am I unfortunately forced to put up with them along with Denver? Yes.”
I wait with bated breath hoping that gives her some hesitation. Glenda won’t be pleased if Graves wastes her time, and from the resignation on her face and the way she sits back in the plush tan-leather office chair, she knows that too.
“Fine, just be mindful of being seen together,” she huffs, clearly over the conversation now that she doesn’t have something to hold over my head. “You’ll be watched here. Not only by me, but by others.”
My jaw ticks. How many others does she have watching me and what exactly would they report back to Glenda?
“Understood,” I say, not letting any of the uneasiness swirling in my gut show on my face. “Is that all you called me in for?”
“Of course not.” She bristles at the question, and her chest puffs out in defiance at my attempt to steer the conversation away from her perceived dominance. “As the next in line as Hart Coven Leader you’ll be expected to remain at the top of your class and will submit to a monthly training class with me directly so I can make sure you’re progressing properly.”