Page 36 of Stalked By Monsters
“I’ll be making my way around the grounds and checking in on each pair as the day goes on,” he assures us. His eyes are tinged with concern as he meets mine, and I instinctively know the words are meant for me. That thought helps to ease some of my nerves at being alone with Denver while my powers are begging to be set loose. At least Landon can distract him if I need to work some of the energy off. “You can make your way to your sections.”
I glance down at the map, studying the different sections the grounds are portioned off into. Each pair’s names are written onto one of the sections, starting in front of the school while the others stretch to the back portion of the property. Scanning the area, I spot my name next to Denver’s in the furthest section of land near the lake that sits just on the back edge of the property.
“Are you going to be okay?” Harper whispers, leaning in close to me. She looks from me to my hands and then back again, and only then do I realize the slight tremor running through them.
“I’ll be fine,” I breathe, hoping none of the other students saw that as I hurriedly fold the map and shove my hands in my pockets.
Harper purses her lips, clearly not believing the lie. What the hell is going on with me and why is my power suddenly straining to get out?
“I think you should ditch Denver and go to the lake here,” Harper murmurs, bringing her own map in front of me and pointing to the back portion of where me and Denver will be heading. “At least there you should be able to perform higher power spells and there won’t be any sign of what you’re doing.”
“You’re right,” I whisper, glancing up as Denver makes his way towards us through the crowd of students. “Now I just have to figure out how to get away from him.”
Harper’s eyes follow mine and she scowls as Denver sidles up next to us.
“Are you two finished gossiping yet, or are you finally ready to get your ass handed to you, Hart?” Denver asks, a self-satisfied grin stretching across his lips.
“Let’s not forget who ranked first,” I huff out on a breath of annoyance, not nearly as interested in trading insults as I usually am.
“Oh, sunshine, it’s not about how much you have, it’s about how you use it, and trust me, I’m both very well endowed and skilled at what I do,” he drawls as his arm wraps around my shoulders and he tugs me away from Harper. “As you know,” he whispers in my ear, too low for anyone else to hear.
I sputter at the innuendo, hating the tendrils of desire that unfurl in my stomach at the reminder. He only catches me off guard for a moment before I elbow him in the side. Denver lets out a small oomph, but it has the intended effect as it puts some space between us.
“Don’t touch me, Prince,” I hiss, already stomping up the stairs and into the academy. I pass Landon without saying a word, but I feel his gaze following me with each step I take.
“Where are you going, Hart?” Denver groans as if I’m some sort of petulant child he needs to chase after. He closes the distance between us in far less time than I’d hope as my running shoes slap angrily against the stone floor.
“To our section, Prince,” I respond in the same exasperated tone, and increase my pace, hoping he’ll take the hint and let me walk on my own. It’s no use though, he just speeds up and falls back into step with me.
“You know it’s outside right?” he snorts, but despite his insistence he keeps walking right beside me.
“You know there’s a back door, right?” I say in the same haughty way, ignoring the curious stares we get as we pass by a few students wandering the halls. I turn to the right when we get to the cafeteria and turn again down a narrow hallway. A small carved wooden door stands at the end of the corridor.
“Of course I do,” he huffs, clearing his throat as he reaches to pull the door open for me. Sunlight breaks through the dim lighting in the hallway, stinging my eyes for a second. I pause in the doorway and glance back at Denver over my shoulder with my eyebrow lifted in challenge.
He definitely did not know that.
Satisfied that I’ve made my point, I descend the few stone stairs and stride confidently down the cobblestone pathway with a new spring in my step.
“I don’t like this,” Denver grumbles as he catches up to walk beside me on the path. “I’m supposed to be the cocky one.”
I groan at the horrible joke as a light chuckle slips from his lips. I swear if this man tries to talk about his cock now—
“Can we talk about what happened in class last week,” he whispers, leaning down to not be overheard despite the open space surrounding us. The cobblestone path comes to an end at a large white wooden gazebo with roses wrapping up the tall arches. Grass stretches out on either side of it with a thick group of pine trees just behind it.
“We should split up,” I say, deciding to completely ignore his question. Based on the map this is the beginning of our section which means it’s the perfect chance to get some time away from him by clearing the area. “I’ll take the section near the back by the lake and we’ll meet back in the middle.”
“You’re joking right?” he asks incredulously. He grasps my bicep, but before I can tug my arm out of his hold his gaze snags on my hand still stuffed into my jacket pocket. “And why have your hands been tucked in your jacket this entire time?”
Shit. I was really hoping he wouldn’t notice that before I got away.
“My hands are cold,” I lie, my frown deepening into a look of annoyance. “You’re just wasting time.”
“Liar, it’s still pretty much summer outside,” he says, his eyes narrowing on me in suspicion. He’s right of course dammit. The leaves of the oak trees lining the side of the property haven’t even fully turned the bright reds, yellows, and oranges of fall yet.
“What’s the real reason?”
“I don’t need to explain anything to you, Prince.” I rip my arm from his grip. I stomp off towards the trees really hoping he doesn’t follow me out here. The magic is pressing against my skin, almost pushing me back to Denver but I can’t let it. Despite the strange new dynamic between us I don’t know if I can fully trust him, and even if I could, I can’t risk having my power explode in such a public place.