Page 50 of Stalked By Monsters
“Fine,” Luke grunts, pointedly not looking in our direction before he stomps out of the room.
“You’d tell us if you were in trouble right?” Samuel asks, his brow raising as he studies Denver.
“Of course, man,” Denver assures him and reaches forward to do their little bro shake. “These witches seem hellbent on switching partners, and I refuse to miss my opportunity to show up my nemesis,” Denver lies smoothly.
I scowl back at Denver doing my best not to look at Harper. I hadn’t had the time to explain everything to her this morning, so all I told her is that we need to speak with Professor Pierce after class. I’m not sure if she believes his story or not but thankfully she doesn’t say anything as Samuel nods and strides out of the classroom.
“You’re seriously still trying to get out of being partnered with me?” Jakob huffs in frustration. “You must really be scared that I’m going to embarrass you.”
“Nothing about you scares me, Jakob,” Harper hisses and places her hands on top of her desk as though poised to strike out at him at any moment.
“Well if Denver’s staying then I should get to stay and argue my case too,” Jakob declares, turning to sit back in his seat.
“I don’t think so.” My tone is biting as I stand from my seat and stalk over to him. My heels click against the hardwood floor, the sound echoing off the walls in the otherwise silent classroom. “If you want a meeting, you can do so on your own time but you won’t be sticking your nose into ours.”
I slam my hand down onto his desk and he jumps at the sudden crack of wood. I glare down at him, tapping my sharpened nails against his desk one at a time.
“Have I made myself clear?” I ask, a tight grin spreading across my lips as he hurriedly grabs his bag.
“Yes, Coven Heir Hart,” he says, attempting to keep the tremor of fear from his voice, but it doesn’t work.
I lean back slightly, not retracting my hand yet as I nod to the door, silently giving him permission to leave. He nearly leaps from his seat in his haste, deciding to walk down the second row of desks rather than pass by me. Smart man.
I don’t bother watching him, but the click of the door signals he’s left us alone.
“Well that was interesting,” Landon says from behind me and I turn to him just in time to see him swallow and loosen his tie a bit.
“That was fucking hot,” Denver groans, strolling over to stand by my side as I perch on Jakob’s desk.
“Umm have I missed something here, or have you suffered some sort of permanent brain damage in the last day?” Harper asks incredulously, her gaze bouncing from me to Denver and back again.
“Pineapple,” I sigh and cut my glare over at Denver. I really hadn’t thought that he was going to be that obvious just yet, but after last night I’d already resolved to tell her and Carter.
“Again?” she asks, her brows furrowing in confusion for a moment before understanding lights in her mahogany eyes.
“Is pineapple your pet name for me? I have to admit it’s not as adorable as I was hoping,” Denver scoffs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I scowl back at him, hating the comfort that small touch gives me.
“Confuto,” Landon murmurs. The interruption steals my retort from my lips, drawing my focus back to the situation that has been twisting my stomach into knots all day.
“Something happened last night,” I say, glancing from Harper to Landon. “I went back to the dream realm.”
Harper glances warily at Denver, gauging his reaction, but when he doesn’t give even the slightest hint of surprise she focuses back on me.
I tell them all the details that I can remember from my time there, how Damon had seemed nervous and wanted to make sure I was safe, and how he said there’s been an increase in disappearances. Finally, I explain about the dark force that had swept in and how Damon forced me from the realm before it engulfed his form.
“We have to find out who took him, and where they’re keeping all these monsters,” I declare, the anxious energy from last night sparking again with renewed vigor. It’s only Denver’s arm around my shoulders that keeps me in place, otherwise I’d be pacing across the front of the classroom.
Landon’s pen stops and drops down onto his notebook. He’d made sure to take notes and ask questions to gather as many details as possible while I spoke. “Let me give my friend a call who’s still in the hunters—see if they’ve noticed an increase in activity on this side,” Landon suggests, already pulling his phone out of his tan suit jacket pocket.
He hits one of the contacts on his phone, and after a brief round of pleasantries, Landon gets into business. The phone is up to his ear, blocking out the other side of the conversation, but judging by his pensive expression and deepening frown, my stomach instantly sinks. This can’t be good.
“He hasn’t noticed any increase in the monsters they’re finding in his patrol area, actually the opposite,” Landon says after disconnecting the phone and pocketing it.
“A decrease?” I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion.
“Yes, it seems that the numbers they’re used to capturing have nearly been cut in half.” Landon takes off his glasses and cleans the wide lenses. “Which would make sense if the monsters are being taken from their realm and many are in hiding.”
“It could very easily go in the other direction,” Denver says, his thumb lightly stroking my shoulder. “If the monsters feel they’re no longer safe over there, they might swarm the rift when it’s close enough for them.”