Page 63 of Stalked By Monsters
I quickly fill them in on everything we know so far. It only takes a few seconds but the battle calls to me, warning me that my time is almost up. I have the key, and now it’s time to use it.
“I’m going to kill whoever did this to us,” Kai growls.
“The problem is we don’t know who did it, and they could very well capture you again if you try to find them right now,” I explain, my heart racing as anxiety thrums through me.
“What are you saying?” Kai demands, turning to me like he’s about to throw me over his shoulder and stalk off with me if he doesn’t like my answer.
“I’m saying I need you both to leave. I need to know that you’re safe.” I give both Damon and Kai a stern look, unperturbed by the incredulous looks they give me.
“No way am I leaving you to fight this,” Damon scoffs and Kai grunts in agreement.
“I can more than take care of myself,” I snap. “Please, I won’t be able to focus on what I need to do. I’m going to remove all the crystals, and when I do, you both use the distraction to get out of here.”
“I don’t like this,” Damon sighs, his jaw tensing as he crosses his arms over his chest in defiance.
“Too bad,” I say simply, mimicking his stance to show I’m not budging.
“You’re going to have to learn to deal with this,” Denver whispers conspiratorially. “She’s stubborn but she has the power to back it up.”
I give Denver a begrudging smirk before I focus back on Kai and Damon. My heart pangs at the time we haven’t had. They need to go, and I have no clue when I’ll see them again, but I know I will soon. Our time is up now though, I feel that in my soul and if I don’t finish this now, I know my familiar’s omen will come true.
“I’ll see you both again,” I whisper with a sad smile. “I promise.”
I give Denver a pointed look and he nods, already guessing what I’m about to do. I don’t give them time to respond, not when Damon’s eyes widen in shock or Kai reaches out for me. I pull on my magic and transport myself back into the throng of battle, blocking out the roar of outage that echoes from the side of the school as I reappear at the top of the steps.
“Where have you been?” Landon exclaims, rushing to the top of the steps with me, his expression haggard as he eyes me with a mix of frustration and relief.
“It’s a long story, but I know how to stop this,” I say, giving him an apologetic look as I pull the crystal from my jacket pocket and hold it out before me. I focus on the power leaking from the clear stone, memorizing how it feels so I can call the rest to me.
“Apparet,“ I call out, injecting my voice with power as a wave of magic rushes out from me. The golden sparks sweep out over the crowd, searching for every last crystal like this one.
Pained gasps and cries ring out from the monsters, and some of the witches use the opportunity to portal a few away as the monsters are distracted. They reach for the same place behind their ears as I’d found the crystals on Kai and Damon, but there’s nothing there—not anymore.
The crystals clatter to the cobblestone pathway before me, and I pocket the one still in my hand as I spear one last blast of magic at the rest, breaking them into tiny shards. The same green glow hums through them and dissipates into the morning sky.
Silence seems to settle over the grounds as monsters break through the fog of control that had clouded their minds while students and hunters stare on in shock at the sudden shift.
Denver, Kai and Damon are on the move. There’ll only be a brief window for them to get out of here. They’re striding towards the smaller gate that still remains standing on the far side of the yard when a crack splinters through the silence. The wind picks up, whipping around the yard in a circle, and I nearly shout tornado but a flash of light steals the word from my tongue.
I squint against the searing white light, lifting a hand to block some of it out as a tear rips through the fabric of our world. The grass and trees that had been just to the left of the driveway are no longer there, instead a crack widens showing a flicker of snow-capped mountains in the distance and a glowing green moon hanging brightly in the night sky.
“The rift,” Landon murmurs.
It appears too close to where the students are though, and the force from a tear ripping through the fabric of our realm sends a shockwave through all those surrounding it.
I briefly glimpse Denver directing Kai and Damon to the rift as he changes directions, rushing towards me. They hurriedly slip through before anyone notices them, pausing for only a moment. A pair of red eyes and one of grey lock with mine, conveying a silent promise that they’ll find me again, before they slip through. I sigh a breath of relief with the two of them now safe, and I scan the crowd for the others.
“Everyone get back,” Landon shouts, jerking students out of their shock, and they begin to flood away from the rift, just as some of the monsters rush towards it but—
There are students lying on the ground, seemingly knocked unconscious by the shockwave of power splitting through our world.
I squint down towards them, trying to get a better look when I recognize Carter’s golden hair, gleaming in the sunlight, the halo cast above him only marred by the trickle of blood running down the side of his face.
“Carter!” I scream, about to launch into action until my eyes catch on a dark brown wolf a few feet away from him. “Greyson!”
I barely recognize the agonized sound that leaves my lips as I burst into action. I’m not losing either of them. I pull on my power, but after the energy I just used there isn’t enough to transport them to me in time, hell I don’t even have enough to get me to them.
“Aria,” Landon shouts from behind me, his footsteps following me a moment later, but I don’t care, not when Greyson and Carter are both lying motionless.