Page 41 of The Night Burning
But I didn’t shift into my normal wolf.
The Shadow Wolf took over.
My head pounded,my arm throbbed, my legs felt like they were on a rocky boat on a stormy sea, but I shifted.
As soon as I turned into my wolf, the healing sped up, and I felt a little better. Less dizzy, less painful.
A gray wolf with white paws rammed at me, pushing me into the truck’s broken door. Smaller, I slipped from under his grip and pawed at his muzzle. I pushed him down on the ground and snarled.
Holy shit … I was going to have to kill, wouldn’t I? It was one thing to kill demons who had kept my pack enslaved for a full year, but other wolves? Neighbor packs?
I hesitated.
Another wolf jumped on my back and the two of them worked together to roll me to the side and pin me down.
I jerked frantically, snapping my teeth or moving my paws to deflect their bites.
Teeth closed around my shoulders.
Then the wolves were gone.
I blinked as Shane appeared in front of me, in his Shadow Wolf form, and held both wolves up by their hind legs. He threw them and they flew several yards. One hit a tree with a sickening crunch and the other rolled on the dirt, before yelping and darting away.
On two legs, Shane’s chest moved fast and he snarled at the wolves.
I glanced around and gasped. There were at least eight bodies at our feet, some still in their wolf forms, others back to their human selves. But all of them bleeding, broken … probably dead.
The other four were nowhere to be seen. One had run, maybe the other three had too.
Shane turned his red eyes to me and I stilled.
I could see why they would run.
Shane, I whispered through the mind link.
It was useless. When he was in this form, he couldn’t hear me.
I retreated, rounding the car until I was with the forest at my back. If the Shadow Wolf took over, if Shane didn’t recognize me, I could run. Not that I thought I could get away from him like this, but I would at least try.
Shane moved with me, his teeth bared, his shoulders hunched, as if he was sizing up his prey. He looked like a monster out of a horror movie.
Fear bloomed in my chest, but I pushed it back.
No, no time for that. This was my mate. Our bond was stronger than any damn curse, I had to believe that.
I shifted back and stood there, facing him with my chin held high. “Shane. Come back to me.”
A growl ripped through his throat.
He took three fast steps toward me. I flinched, but locked my muscles. I wouldn’t move!
Then he stopped. He stared at me, his head tilted.
The first thing to change were his eyes. The red faded away, and his warm brown came back. Then the rest of him shifted.