Page 62 of The Night Burning
The shadows came back with full force. Fur covered Shane’s arms and red shone bright from his eyes. He wrapped a claw around Serge’s neck and lifted him up clean from the floor. “You’ll go,” Shane said, his voice deeper. Not his own. “Or I’ll kill you and make an example out of you.” He squeezed a little more. “Do you understand?”
Serge nodded slightly since he could barely move his head.
Shane opened his claw and Serge fell to the floor. He recovered quickly, glared at me once more, and then ran out of the library.
Shane stood there, half Shadow Wolf, half himself, breathing hard, his body hard with anger.
I stepped into his personal space and placed a hand over his heart. “Shane, look at me.” Slowly, he turned his gaze to me, his eyes changing from red to brown every few seconds. “It’s okay now. I’m okay. Come back to me.”
With a deep breath, the red was fully gone, the fur disappeared, and the shadows left. His gaze fixed on my bleeding eyebrow and he cupped my face. “Are you okay?”
I nodded. “Other than this pesky scratch, I think so.”
He smoothed my hair back. “I’m glad you were able to defend yourself.”
“If you hadn’t shown up, I think I would have used darkfire. To hurt or to kill him, I don’t know.”
“If you hadn’t stopped me, I would have let the Shadow Wolf take over, and I would have ripped him to pieces.”
“I guess we make a good couple,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.
A lopsided grin spread over his lips. “The best.”
Shane placed a soft kiss on my forehead. “Come on.” He held my hand in his. “We need to clean that cut.”
I would have heldRaika’s hand as we crossed the main square to the infirmary, but she wouldn’t let me.
Once inside, Jay fussed over Raika. I first had thought he had tremendous respect and admiration for her, for all she had done for the pack for the past year, but I was starting to think it was more than that. It might have started that way, but now as he helped her sit down on a chair and meticulously cleaned the cut, I was quite sure his feelings had evolved.
So besides Roman, I had to watch out for Jay too?
Thankfully, the cut above Raika’s left eyebrow was just a nasty scratch. Jay cleaned it, applied some healing salve, and put on a thin bandage.
While he did that, I texted Dom, Vallin, and Killian and let them know about Serge’s banishment. I probably should have used my alpha command on him, but I had been so out of it, with my Shadow Wolf almost taking over, I hadn’t really thought of it. Dom texted back saying he would check on Serge and make sure he left within the hour.
I tucked my phone back into my pocket.
“All better,” Jay said with a big smile. Funny how he didn’t stutter when talking to Raika. Was I that intimidating, or was there something else? I was probably just seeing things.
“Thanks, Jay.” She rose from the chair.
Since we were here, we checked on Minsi and Hamill again. They were still weak and unconscious, but they hadn’t gotten worse in the meantime.
Rue shooed us away, saying our “time off” had barely started. “And you already managed to get in trouble.” She shook her head.
Raika and I walked out of the infirmary again.
She halted on the sidewalk and looked around. There weren’t many people around, still she lowered her voice when she said, “Aren’t you afraid of the consequences Serge’s banishment will have?”
“It’ll serve as an example.” My mood soured thinking of that damn wolf. “Disrespect isn’t allowed in this pack. The bullying from when I was younger? That will be cut at the root if necessary. I waited years to be able to do that and I’m not going back.”
“I’m proud of you for that, but I’m worried his friends will start something,” she said.
“Then they will be banished too.”