Page 4 of The Night Hunting
I frowned. I felt like that too.
After all, hadn’t I been told the four of us were now plotting how to take the underworld back and restore balance? Not just plotting, we had been taking action. That was why these four demons were here, to talk business.
And we were not in that conversation.
“Aren’t we helping them?” I asked. Honestly, I had been lost in this whole plan since I couldn’t remember anything, but my father always said that Ivy and I were playing a big part. “We should join them.”
Ivy nodded. “We should.”
Roman groaned. “You know, I will do anything for you, but I don’t want to headbutt with your father. What if he decides he's had enough of me and throws me out?”
I stared at him. Roman had been crucial to my survival. If it weren’t for him, I would have died with my mother, and he had given up everything to be here with me.
“If he throws you out, I’ll go with you.”
Ivy scoffed. “As if he would let you leave.”
“My point exactly.”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Smart.” She took my hand in hers. “Let’s go.”
We turned toward the group as a maid appeared at the doorway. “Dinner is served.”
* * *
My father seemedlike quite a laid-back man. He hadn’t raised Ivy or me, or any of our other siblings—I had been told there were many—and he wasn’t the most fatherly type. But he had tried. He had been around while Ivy was growing up, visiting her here and there, and he had reached out to me many times, but my mother wouldn't allow him to see or talk to me.
Still, now that Ivy’s house had become his house too, he had a handful of rules, and one of them was no business talk during mealtimes, which left us with small talk.
“It was boring,” I said as I descended the stairs to the basement the next morning.
Ivy chuckled. “Yeah, it was.”
Dinner had been boring, and after, my father had closed himself in his office with the other four higher demons, leaving me, Ivy, Roman, and Dot out of whatever they were planning.
I stopped at the end of the stairs and turned to Ivy. “Is he doing this because of me? Because I still don’t have my memories back and he’s afraid of overwhelming me?”
She cocked an eyebrow. “How would I know?”
I shrugged. “You’re his favorite.”
Ivy snorted. “What? I’m not.”
I resumed walking into the basement turned state-of-the-art gym and training facility—in a corner were a dozen of big weightlifting equipment and several weight racks, on the back were equipment like treadmills and stationary bikes, and to the other side was a large open area for training.
I frowned as I stepped onto the mat … thoughts like this always made me stop and wonder. How did I know about weightlifting equipment and such when I didn’t remember being in a gym before?
This memory thing was way complicated.
Dot, who was sort of my doctor, had told me that the innate things we do as we grow and learn are deeply ingrained and those wouldn’t be easily gone. As for my memories, she was confident they would come back. Every couple of days, she meditated with me, using her magic to prod inside my head to unlock whatever vault my memories had buried themselves into.
“You sure are,” I said, and for the first time ever, a little jealousy made itself known. At first, I didn’t like it, but then I held on to it. If I was feeling something, then it meant there was a memory attached to that, right? “You’re like his general, and I’m … I’m just a private.”
She bumped her shoulder on mine. “That’s because of your memories. You are a general too, but right now, you’re a little lost. Don’t worry. Once your memories are back, you’ll see you’re his favorite.”
I shook my head. “If my memories come back.”
Ivy frowned at me. “Don’t say that. Be positive. Your memories will come back.”