Page 6 of The Night Hunting
A tingling started under my skin, an exciting feeling, a sense of power and belonging. This was it. I was doing it. This was my magic, and I was in total control.
The sensation increased, a powerful force buzzing through my muscles, something exhilarating and scary at the same time. In my mind, I shaped the darkfire like two long pillars jutting out of my palms. Slowly, my hands withdrew, hovering beside the pillars. The pillars expanded, reaching the floor. I pushed and pulled, shaping the darkfire until it could contract and expand at my will.
My toes curled, my stomach lurched, eagerness danced along my skin.
And then it burst. The magic exploded out of me, so strong and sudden, not even Ivy had time to control it.
The pillars blew up around us, sending us flying back. Ivy hit the wall, and I landed on a bench. The pillars disappeared along with any remnants of darkfire, but my side hurt where it had slammed into the hard, metal bench.
“Are you okay?” Ivy’s question turned into a cough. She leaned against the wall, a hand over her chest.
Groaning, I pushed to my feet. Shit, I would definitely have a purple bruise on my right hip and waist tomorrow. “I’ll live. How about you?”
“I’m fine.”
I glanced around. The mat was scorched. The ceiling too.
“Damn it.” I had messed up again. Big time. “I could have hurt you for real.”
“No, it’s okay. I was able to push it back, that’s why we still have our hair and clothes intact.”
I pointed at her. “See? I’m a menace.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Raika. That was barely something. Even if I hadn’t contained it, I don’t think it would have hurt us that bad. Besides, that’s why I’m here. To teach you and to stop things if they get out of control.”
“It’s hopeless.”
“You know, no one is born knowing how to use their magic. Even witches train for years before they are allowed to use their magic in public.”
“I’m not a witch.”
“But you went through something we have no experience with.” She pressed her lips tight. “I … Pretend you’re learning it for the first time. It’ll be easier.”
I slapped my hips, then winced in pain. Shit. “It might be easier, but it’ll take longer. Doesn't Father have grand plans on how we’re going to save the underworld from the current tyrant king? I need my magicright nowif I’m going to help.”
“Getting frustrated won’t help.”
No, it wouldn’t, but I could do little about my emotions. “I want—”
Footsteps sounded from the stairs. A second later, Roman appeared in the doorway. “Hey, hm, Ivy, your father is asking for you.”
Ivy frowned. “Just me?”
Roman nodded. “Yeah. Apparently, he found an entrance to the underworld and wants to go scouting.”
I stilled. “And he didn’t ask for me?”
Roman turned his eyes to me. “Sorry, Raika, but until you can control your darkfire, you’re staying here.”
That hurt like a bitch.
Once more, I was certain that everything in my life was tied to my magic. If I could touch it, hold it, everything would make sense.
“I’m sorry, sis,” Ivy said. “I’ll be back as soon as we can so we can continue training, okay?” She didn’t wait for a response, simply offered me a tight smile and walked away.
Feelings of not only being lost and empty, but useless wormed through me.