Page 44 of Defying the Rogue
“Right, sorry.” I drew away, looking her over. Then I scanned our surroundings. It appeared we were somewhere outside the thick of the rainforest—an open clearing of some sort—but I had more important matters to attend to.
“I’m all right, perhaps a bit bruised. Thankfully, my cutlass made the fall before I did, or else I may have impaled myself.” She grinned.
“That is not funny in the least.” I frowned. “Do not—”
I was interrupted as three more bodies tumbled down the muddy hillside: Jackson, Jo, and Rek.
“That hurt,” Jo said, massaging her head.
Rek and Jackson just looked infuriated as they stood and attempted to sling the mud from their clothes. I supposed it was time to do the same.
Rising to my feet, I helped Ainsley to stand. Just as I turned to reach for Jo, the sound of a woman’s throat clearing halted me.
“No need for assistance,” Jo grumbled. “I’ll manage.”
Standing before us were Evelyn and Bruno, clean, not a speck of dirt or mud on their person. I felt my agitation grow even further.
“I see the lot of you took a shortcut,” Bruno announced with a smirk.
Would we still be able to obtain the key if I knocked Bruno’s teeth down his throat? I imagined not. However, the thought made me feel better.
“Just where in the bloody hell have the two of you been?” Rek growled.
Good. Thanks, old friend.
“We walked around, and if all of you had been paying attention instead of chattering about, you would have done so as well,” Evelyn said with a sickly-sweet smile.
Jo coughed and muttered “cow” under her breath, and I nearly lost what little composure I had left.
Even Ainsley snorted, as did Jackson.
“Well, we should be on our way, then,” Ainsley said, taking a step toward Evelyn and Bruno. “How much farther?”
“We are only about twenty feet from the cave’s entrance,” Evelyn replied. “Follow me, and please, do keep up this time, yes?”
Ainsley sighed, and I could hear Rek growl at the same time I did. That woman… We couldn’t find the damn key quickly enough for my liking.
“Torches, everyone.” Evelyn stopped at the mouth of a large cave, surrounded by wild hanging vines. I did hope they weren’t alive with magic. “You will need them as we head inside. Watch your step.”
“Anyone got a match?” Rek questioned, annoyance clearly in his tone. “Or do they light up on their own?”
Bruno glared. “There’s a burning torch inside the cave. Use it.”
When I’d mentioned earlier on that I may like that guy? I had to take it back. I didn’t like him at all.
Pulling Ainsley to my side, she scowled, and I didn’t care, we filed in behind our “leaders.”
An illuminated torch rested against the cave wall as soon as we entered, and each of us took turns lighting our own. The place was dark and dank, and smelled of something rancid. Stalagmites hung from the jagged ceiling, and I only hoped we wouldn’t be impaled if one decided to fall.
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the cave was booby-trapped. It likely was, given what we’d gone through in the rainforest. Evelyn had gone to great lengths to hide this key, so it was safe to say, the path leading us to it would be rife with its own obstacles, likely magical as well.
Ainsley clung to my arm as she surveyed our dimly lit surroundings. The stone walls seemed to shimmer as lights from the torches bounced in all directions. If it weren’t so inauspicious, it may have been somewhat beautiful in a haunting sort of way.
“Keep to the right,” Evelyn said. “We are coming upon a steep ledge, and if you fall, it is endless. Single file from here on out. That is, if you would like to live.”
Right. Let’s hope the ledge doesn’t crumble, I thought to myself. The key had best be in this cave…