Page 42 of Faerie Stolen
Nicole tilted her head to the side. “Letters home. The mailroom has been working more than usual. That’s not necessarily strange, given that she got engaged on this visit, but could be something there.”
“Or the person in the bathroom may be another visiting dignitary or someone from her home, keeping the mastermind apprised,” I added.
“I’m sure that person is a plant. They'd have to be to pick the right room with a secret entryway. Actually…” Nicole started walking again, practically skipping in excitement. “That makes total sense. Lizette said that she originally was moving Vanessa’s things to another room with a view of the garden, but that Vanessa had demanded this one specifically.”
“And no one thought anything of it?” This seemed like too many coincidences, or a very well-thought-out plan.
“Why would they? She says she doesn’t like the room and demands what she wants. Typical Vanessa, and no one blinks at it.”
“Why are you so good at this?” I laughed as I listened to Nicole spout out these theories like they were second nature.
Nicole grinned. “Not all of us stick to romance novels, Cora. Espionage tales are fun and my weakness,” she said and shrugged.
“So Vanessa’s family may be trying to have her take the throne. The whole family would gain majority influence in the royal court,” I said. “Too bad her family would never betray her so we could reveal her treachery.”
An evil grin spread across Nicole’s face. “Maybe they don’t have to…”
I knew that face. It was the face that said we were going to be in big trouble with whatever plan Nicole was concocting in that head of hers.
“Do I even want to know right now?” I asked.
We were finally outside the doors of the training room. Before pushing on the door Nicole looked at me. “Let me work out some more details. Then we act.”
I didn’t like the sound of that. Though it was nice having someone with me on my side, ready to expose Vanessa for the horrible fae she was.
Nicole and I walked into the session already having started, and Aron’s loud trainer’s voice shouted the minute I stepped into sight. “I was beginning to think you were too good for us, Cora.”
“No, Captain. Just thought I’d give some others a chance to look good for once.” I wanted so badly to hide my feelings and keep things light. Maybe training was just what I was missing. A chance to blow off the steam that was trapped inside of me, threatening to explode.
“Well if you’re referring to me, you’ll be disappointed. I’m under orders not to go easy on you today.”
I stared Noah down, grimacing only slightly before he made me smirk with his taunting. “You’re on, Your Majesty.”
I bent over to grab one of the weapons and swayed on my way up. What the heck?
I was woozy as I rose and dreaded the thought of an all-out sparring session. The dizziness was one hundred percent my exhaustion. The rate at which I’d been running around for Vanessa and bottling emotions inside, it was a wonder I hadn’t crashed already. Excitement, humiliation, fear—it was all running together. Now that the adrenaline of the passageway exploration had worn off, the remaining drag of sleepiness was all that was left.
I yawned once, shaking my head hard to clear the rest of the tiredness from my body, as if it would help.
“Don’t let me bore you too much, Cora,” Noah taunted.
I moved into my ready position and held up my weapon. “Then show me something so I don’t have to be bored.”
And just like that, things were almost like they had been before Vanessa. I missed easy marks, and Noah put so many hits on me during our session that his face looked concerned.
“You’re slow today, Fray,” he said.
“Just warming up.”
We continued, but the more we did so, the more Noah’s concern grew, as did mine. I was tired, my muscles were tired. But I hated looking weak. And I didn’t want to give up.
“Need a break?” he asked.
“No, I need a better challenge.” I ignored the look that Aron and Noah exchanged at my words, but Gabriel, who was next to us, jumped in, not seeing how poorly I’d been doing.
“How about two on one. I can bet with Noah to see who wins.” Gabe was sweet for a fae and always smiling. His skills were impressive though.