Page 71 of Faerie Stolen
The ground was getting farther and farther away as the dragon batted its wings and took us upward.
I screamed, not sure what that would help, but I was out of options for how to fight back.
Suddenly, a hissing noise that was almost like a shrill whistle sounded loudly around us.
The echo caused screams from the dragons, a horrific noise.
The dragon’s wings beat erratically until they failed completely. This was not good.
Landon and I plummeted to the ground. The asshole landed gracefully while I rolled, only catching him running away from the downed dragon before I flopped forward into a bed of rocks.
I let out a cry as the pain of the jagged rocks and hard fall caught up to me. The wind was knocked out of me and I struggled to breathe, gasping over and over to try to get air in.
When at last the pressure in my chest subsided, I crawled to stand and start running again.
I was in the midst of the heavy battle now, Unseelie fighting the Seelie off. I frantically looked around for a face I recognized. Someone, anyone to find out what was going on.
I made my way through the fighting, left alone for the most part while the warriors engaged each other gruesomely.
“Didn’t think you’d get that from a girl, did you!” a voice shouted nearby. I whipped my head around and saw Nicole.
Hair sticking to her face and a trickle of blood running from beside her eye down her cheek.
“Nicole!” I ran forward, stumbling into her chest and wishing I could wrap my arms around her in a hug as I avoided the now dead Seelie before her.
Nicole, acting quickly, pushed me back and swung her sword forward, slicing through my bindings.
“How did you get here so quickly?” I asked.
“A messenger rode from the first army Noah sent word to. We met Noah when he was halfway to us, ready to go.”
“Thank goodness,” I sighed. “And what happened to the dragons? What was the noise?”
Nicole looked genuinely stunned. “I’ve never seen anything like that before. Never heard anything like it. I don’t know what it was, but it seemed to work.”
“Oh, trust me, it did. Enough that I fell from the feet of the one holding me midair.”
Her wide eyes were trained on me in shock. “You’ll have to—"
Nicole was cut off by three Seelie slashing their way toward us. She pushed me to the side, tossing me her sword before she picked up another one from the ground. I turned, now equipped to fight like I’d trained to do and attacked with all the pent-up frustration I had from the past few weeks.
The soldiers were no match for me when I channeled the rage I’d been keeping inside of me from everything going on.
I sliced the Seelie soldier through the stomach. And wondered why I didn’t feel more from death at my hands. The idea of it was troubling.
I looked down and saw how tattered my clothes had become from my falling and rolling on the ground. I was filthy. Then again, so was everyone else.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked Nicole.
She shrugged, looking at more Seelie coming our way. “No idea, but I know he was with Aron earlier.”
I turned and saw the captain nearby fighting fiercely, but there was no Noah with him. I looked the other way and gasped. Noah was outnumbered. And it looked like the Seelie weren’t going to be taking him prisoner, they were going to kill him.
I picked up a shield from a fallen Seelie and ran forward, barreling through the soldiers that were quickly closing in around Noah.
I burst in, turning swiftly as our backs touched.