Page 81 of Pleasantly Pursued
My smile faltered, but I pinned it in place. “I do not know what you mean. I’ve been in Cumberland of late, and we are traveling down to London now for the Season.”
“Cumberland?” His fair eyebrows screwed together. “You know, it is the oddest thing. I was in Fremont to watch a fight not too long ago, and I could have sworn I heard your voice in my inn. I looked for you the rest of the day, but I never saw you.”
I quirked an eyebrow, hoping I was doing an adequate job of covering my trembling. “Do you really think I would be found in a town hosting a fight?”
“Not at first, but your voice is unique, and I couldswear—”
“Good evening,” Benedict said, his low voice cutting in at the worst possible time. “I believe we met recently.”
“Ah, yes . . .” Peter looked from Benedict to me. “At the inn in Fremont, actually. It is funny, for we were just speaking of it.”
“Speaking of Fremont?”
“Well, I’d thought I heard Miss Northcott in my inn, but I never saw her.” He shook his head a little, but the line between his brows did not leave. “Do you know one another?”
“Mr. Bradwell’s mother is my godmother,” I said. “His sister-in-law and brother are my chaperones for the Season.”
Peter’s gaze lit up. “I will also be on my way to London shortly. I do hope to see you again soon. Will you grant me the pleasure of calling on you?”
“Certainly,” I said with a smile, for what else could I do? I would have to let him down gently, if he showed a preference for my company, of course. I gave Peter my direction for where he could find me in London, and he left us to return to his party. My smile still in place, I leaned a bit so Benedict alone would hear me. “That was ridiculous. Did you think approaching the man was the best course of action?”
“You looked as though you needed saving.”
“Saving? From Peter? Good heavens, Ben. He is an old family friend.”
“A friend you ducked from a window to avoid seeing, so I know precisely how trustworthy you find him.”
I swallowed my scoff before it could bring attention to us.
“What was that ridiculous bit at the end, giving him your address?” he demanded.
I met his gaze. “What else was I meant to do? I did not hang from his sleeve or send him loving glances. I was merely being a friend.”
“Why the devil do you want him to be your friend?”
“I do not. But neither will I be rude. So long as he does not believe I have interest in a relationship with him, I’ve done nothing wrong.” I lightened my voice. “Besides, he could bring a friend with him. One never knows where one will meet gentlemen.”
Benedict’s blue eyes rounded. “You cannot be serious. I was under the impression you could not marry a gentleman.”
“No, I will not marry aflirt. I will not marry without love. But I must find a husband somewhere.” I lifted one shoulder in the daintiest of shrugs. I did not intend to court Peter, but I was not opposed to all gentlemen anymore. “Felicity found her husband at a ball, and they are perfect for one another.” And James, possessed of excellent character, was a Bradwell man . . . though I did not allow my mind to traverse that path. “Who is to say I will not have the same luck?”
Benedict looked like a fair mix between outraged and disgusted. “I am of half a mind to toss you in the carriage and drive you directly back to Chelton this instant.”
“Well, you cannot do that for two reasons,” I said, my voice deceptively calm. In reality, the image Benedict created in my head, the idea of him carrying me anywhere, sent a wave of longing through me. After the scene I had witnessed between him and the rapacious opera singer, I was perhaps more ill-tempered than the situation warranted. “I have an appointment with Archie tomorrow I refuse to miss.”
“The second reason?”
“If you take me back to Chelton, how will I find a husband in London?”
He looked like a dragon from my childhood storybooks, preparing to blow fire over the village. Only, I was the village.
Benedict leaned forward again to whisper in my ear, and I kept perfectly still so his lips would not touch my skin. “The only husband you will be collecting in London, Thea, is me.”
With that he straightened, adjusted the sleeve of his jacket, and walked away, leaving me completely without any memory of how to breathe.