Page 94 of Pleasantly Pursued
Miss Hutton looked to her mother, then back to Henry and nodded. “I would be delighted to.”
The women were shortly after on their way, and I did not know which of two questions was more pressing: why the devil did Henry ask that girl to save him a set, or when was this supposed ball to take place? Henry precluded me from needing to inquire on the first of the two.
“Do not think anything of that. It is merely business, and I do not have any romantic intentions where Miss Hutton is concerned.”
“I did not know you were even aware of the chit’s existence.”
Henry turned a confused glance on James. “Of course I know her. She’s aHutton. Mother’s particular friends.”
Both James and I knew that, but this was Henry, a man so often lost in a book that he could not be counted upon to notice everything that occurred around him.
“Enough about the oddness of whatever that was,” I said. “Why have neither of you told me about Thea’s ball?”
“We planned to,” Henry said.
“It is a week from Tuesday.”
“Was I to be invited?”
“I believe that is part of the plan the women are hatching. You shall be notified of it shortly.”
“Oh, good heavens.”
“Shall I feign surprise when I receive the invitation?” I asked.
“I do not think anyone intends to watch you receive it, so that is entirely up to you.”
We continued on, and I felt the weight of the decisions I had yet to make crowd my shoulders. But when I closed my eyes and imagined the life I wanted to have, all of the answers were clearly before me. The land steward, the house, the estate itself were blindingly obvious, if Thea was by my side. The trouble was, if I bought the estate and Thea and I did not come to an accord, could I bear to live in the house without her?
Iwas not prone to nerves, but tonight, while I waited for Hannah to finish my hair, I could not calm my trembling fingers. Felicity had kept her word to her mother-in-law and planned and executed a ball in my honor, but we had agreed to keep it somewhat small. Neither of us thought there was much worth in a lavish ball when I did not need to look for a suitor. I knew exactly whom I wanted to marry, and I planned to secure him tonight.
A soft knock on the door preceded Felicity’s entrance, and she crossed the room as Hannah stepped back.
“You look darling, Thea.”
“Thank you.” The rose-pink silk ran luxuriously down my legs and paused just above my matching slippers, setting off the ivory pearls on my neck to advantage. “Is everything ready?”
Felicity smiled. “It is. Are you nervous?”
My stomach flipped at the thought of what I intended to do. “Yes, but I think it will be worth it. I cannot expect him to forget everything I have said or done, can I?”
Her smile softened. “Unlikely. But you can expect his forgiveness.”
“I hope for it, at least.”
I took my pair of long ivory gloves from the edge of my bed and followed Felicity into the corridor, pulling them on as we walked. She halted and turned to me. “Oh, I nearly forgot. We’ve had a late addition to the party.” She screwed up her face in apology. “I’m afraid James saw Lord Claverley at Brooks yesterday and extended the invitation. Apparently his cousin did not leave him much choice.”
“Am I permitted to refuse his request to dance?”
“You can refuse anyone you wish. That is entirely up to you. I will never force you to dance with someone you do not wish to dance with.”
“You are the very best chaperone, Felicity.” I slid my arm through hers and gave it a squeeze.