Page 5 of Charmed By the Enemy
His smirk grew into a full grin, one full of wicked promise that I didn’t want to notice, but did. “You know I can be charming when I want to be. It took some finagling, but I was able to convince the front desk worker to look up your name in the system.”
“Wow,” I said on a huff of breath. “What a violation.”
“Lighten up, Princess,” he teased.
“Don’t call me that,” I bit out between clenched teeth. That nickname was way too familiar, and I didn’t want the nostalgic feelings it brought to the surface. “You’ve wasted your timeandyour charm tonight because I don’t want to talk to you.”
Levi placed a hand over his heart, as if I’d wounded him, but the easy smile on his face told a different story. I despised the fact that my unfriendly welcome wasn’t even bothering him.
“I just wanted to talk about what happened earlier today,” he said. “I keep thinking about your little act, but I can’t figure out what you were up to. You cut me off completely three years ago and then suddenly show up on the beach today pretending like we slept together. What was that? Sharing your greatest wish?”
I scoffed indignantly. “Hardly. I just saw you with your girlfriend and thought it might be a chance to get a little payback. Was she mad?”
He chuckled in a patronizing way and I wanted to slap his annoyingly handsome face.
“I’m actually single, and you did me a favor. That woman has been driving me crazy.”
“What are you talking about?” There was no hiding the disappointment in my voice.
“Amanda is a coworker. We hooked up once, and I guess she enjoyed herself because she’s been trying to get me to sleep with her again ever since. What can I say? The ladies love me.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re so humble,” I drawled, rolling my eyes. But my curiosity got the better of me. “Why are you on this island with a coworker? If she’s not your girlfriend, why would you take a vacation together?”
“It’s a work retreat,” he explained easily. “I’m here to do some team-building.”
I arched a brow. “Does that include sleeping with your co-workers?”
“I told you, that was a year ago and I have no interest in her now.” Levi looked around the deserted hallway, then back at me. “Listen, can I come in for a few minutes? It feels awkward to talk with you when I’m out in the hallway like this.”
I shifted my feet at his words so that I was completely blocking the way into the hotel room. What was I doing? I shouldn’t even be talking to him, let alone considering letting him inside. I couldn’t stand this guy.
“No,” I said firmly. “Why don’t you just leave? I don’t understand why you showed up here so late anyway.”
Levi let out an exasperated sigh, as if I was being difficult.Good.
“I already told you. I couldn’t stop thinking about running into you earlier today. I wanted to come talk to you. It’s been so long since we’ve seen one another.”
“For a reason,” I pointed out.
He met my gaze, his own filled with genuine warmth. “Don’t you want to reconnect?”
Levi sounded so damn sincere, but I shook my head. I didn’t want that at all. He was my enemy. He couldn’t just show up at my door and expect me to greet him with open arms. Things didn’t work like that, not after what he and his father did.
We weren’t friends anymore, and never would be again.
“No.” I tipped my chin up stubbornly. “There will be no reconnecting, no reconciliation. Not now, not ever. Just forget about our little run-in on the beach. Like I said, it was just my attempt at a little payback.”
That infuriating smirk reappeared. “If that’s your idea of payback, Princess, just wait until you see mine.”
“What didIever do toyouto deserve payback?”
Levi moved closer, and my heart skittered. Why did I have to want him so much?
His expression grew serious as his brown eyes burned into mine. “Cutting me out of your life like you did, without giving me a chance to defend myself, was wrong, and I’m going to prove that to you.”
My breathing grew heavy. His sudden intensity made my thighs clench, and I had the urge to leap into his strong arms.