Page 67 of Bad Saint
I watch as he cracks the egg into the shell of a coconut and scrambles it with a stick over the fire. “I was thinking,” he starts, eyes focused on our breakfast. “I want to try to make a raft.”
“Out of what?” I ask, curious.
“Whoever was here before us built that hut. I’m pretty sure I can construct something that will keep us afloat until we find a ship or mainland.”
“And then what?” When he is silent, I shake my head, not liking this plan at all. “And then you call Popov?”
“I don’t have a choice. You know that,” he replies, finally meeting my eyes.
I was stupid to think that by some miracle he would change his mind. There is no happily ever after for me. The truth is, I’m safer here, shipwrecked on this island, than being rescued. How ironic is that?
I’m hurt. I don’t want to be, but after five days together, I thought he’d show some humanity. Clearly, I was wrong.
Standing abruptly, I wipe the sand from my legs. I need some space as I feel like I’m about to burst into tears.
“Where are you going?” He pauses from scrambling the egg.
“To get some fresh air,” I snap, furious at myself for thinking these past five days made a difference.
“What about breakfast?”
“I’ve suddenly lost my appetite,” I spit, turning on my heel.
“Don’t be childish,” he has the nerve to say. “You can be angry with me on a full stomach.”
“Fuck you and your food, Saint.” I storm off, infuriated beyond belief. I can’t believe nothing has changed. I feel betrayed and am angry with myself for thinking he transformed into a civil human being.
As I walk along the shore, I peer into the distance, wishing an answer would appear and solve my problem. Nothing does. I’m on my own—but that’s no different. I walk for what feels like forever, and when I reach the lagoon, which I’ve seen in passing when looking for Saint, his words of warning echo loudly.
“Stay away from the waters near the lagoon.”
I never really questioned it because I thought this was where Saint came when he needed some downtime. The hut was my hideaway, so I respected his request. But I’ve been stupid to show this man any respect because he sure as shit hasn’t shown the same to me.
I continue walking, anger fueling my every step. I can see why he likes it here. The bright coral comes to life underwater, a gateway into another world. The sun is already blistering, so I decide to take a swim and disobey everything he told me about staying away.
Stripping off my shorts and tank, I venture into the water, gasping as it’s a few degrees cooler than the water down the beach. Regardless, it feels incredible against my heated skin. I continue walking into deeper water, my anger fading, submerging with each step I take.
I want to believe that his small acts of kindness are his way of expressing he cares, but I’m an idiot. I dive into the water, swimming away from my stupidness because he doesn’t care. He never did. All I am, all I’ve ever been is a means to an end…my bad for forgetting that.
I don’t know how far I’ve swum, but it feels good to let go. I come up for air, bobbing in the water as I peer around me. I’m surrounded by nothing. As I’m treading water, a faint echo sounds. Disregarding it, I float on my back, peering up at the sun.
It’s beautiful out here. I wish I could enjoy it without this constant heaviness weighing me down. I close my eyes, sighing. However, a moment later, I am certain I can hear someone shouting. But that’s impossible.
I try to block it out, but it’s soon apparent that I’m not hearing things.
Saint is no doubt shooing me out of his sacred place as he evidently doesn’t want to share his special place with me. Springing up, I shield the sun from my eyes, ready to tell him what I think of his demands, but I must be seeing things because I’m certain I see Saint ripping off his shirt, then diving into the water.
He’s shouting something. I don’t know what. However, when he comes up for air and cups his mouth, screaming, “Swim…shark!” I realize I’m not seeing or hearing anything because when I turn over my shoulder, I see a gray fin in the distance.
Time stands still.
My entire body goes into hyperdrive, and I frantically swim to the shore. I’m a strong swimmer, but I’m a long way out, and there is no way I can outswim a shark. My muscles burn as I kick my legs. I tell myself not to look back and continue forward, but the shore is barely a speck in the distance.
Saint swims toward me, but we’re still miles apart. I’m waiting to be dragged under as a meal for yet another predator. That’s all I seem to be. But I won’t give up.
The adrenaline whooshes through my ears, my breathing heavy as I desperately attempt to fill my lungs with enough oxygen to save my life. I’m certain I’m on the verge of having a heart attack from punishing my body this way and from the fear of being eaten alive.
I focus on Saint and how he looks like an athlete as he closes the distance between us. But surely, he’s too late. Any moment now, it’s my time…but my time never comes.