Page 89 of Bad Saint
Things are getting out of hand, but the more I take, the more I want. I don’t know where this is headed, but kissing is suddenly not enough. I make my intentions clear when I reach the top button of his shorts.
I am beyond nervous, but I quash that as I work to unfasten the button. My fingers are trembling, and my heart thrashes wildly against Saint’s. When it finally comes undone, Saint does something which robs me of breath for an entirely different reason.
He pulls away.
“Wh-what are you doing?” I breathlessly pant, my eyes snapping open.
I’m unable to mask my disappointment when he says, “No, ah???, don’t.”
“Don’t?” I repeat, confused.
He nods and gently untangles us.
I don’t know what to say, so I timidly rearrange my clothes, wondering what I did wrong. He was into it. I know he was. And shamefully, so was I.
“Is it your n-no kissing rule?” I ask as I’m baffled to why he stopped. He arches a confused brow. So I explain. “On the boat, when you…slept with that woman, you told her no kissing.”
He wipes his swollen, luscious lips, shaking his head. “I shouldn’t have kissed you,” he firmly states, not really giving me an answer.
Dread overcomes me when his words echo loudly out here in the emptiness.“Unlike everyone else, I don’t want to fuck you.”
Have I misread the signs? I was the one who kissed him first. But who cares? The only thing that matters is thatI…kissed him.
Oh, god, I feel sick.
What have I done? I could blame the rum, but I was in total control. I wanted to kiss him, and I thought he wanted to kiss me. Clearly, I was wrong.
I need to leave.
Standing abruptly, I ignore the headrush and turn to flee, but Saint grips my arms and spins me around. “We can’t do that again.”
What a way to rub salt in the wounds.
Ripping from his hold, I squash down my embarrassment and focus on my anger. “I couldn’t agree more. I’m drunk, sorry.”
Lies, but it’s easier than admitting the truth.
“Of course,” Saint says, running his fingers through his snarled hair, the hair which I tugged at moments ago.
“I’m beat. I’m going to sleep.” I’m about to make my way toward the hut, but there is no hut, thanks to Saint’s harebrained idea to destroy it.
“Okay. I’ll be in the cave if you need me.”
We have been sleeping down here around the fire these past few days, but it seems that the kiss has reverted us to rivaling enemies. I don’t fail to see the irony in that.
Saint rocks back on his heels as if he wants to say something, but he changes his mind at the last minute and storms off. I watch his menacing form disappear among the trees. When he’s gone, I sag to my knees, covering my face in utter humiliation.
I don’t know what just happened. The forbidden kiss was hot and intense; it was everything and so much more. But that had nothing to do with the actual kiss itself, and everything to do with the fact that behind each lash of his tongue and caress of his lips, there was something…more.
It wasn’t just physical.
Groaning, I slowly curl myself into a ball by the fire. What the fuck have I done?
Day 26
MY HEAD IS POUNDING, and my mouth is so dry, I wonder if I’ve eaten sand in my sleep.