Page 108 of Fallen Saint
I close my eyes, unable to face this without crumpling into yet another mess. It seems she can’t say his name either. But the woman beside her doesn’t share the sentiment. What is she doing here? I thought she’d be long gone by now.
“His name was Saint…my brother, who saved all of you.”
Opening my eyes, I take in Zoey Hennessy. She barely looks like the person I once remember her to be. She looks healthy and strong. Not the lapdog she once was.
Alek opens his mouth, but she silences him with a wave of her hand. How the tables have turned. “Get up,” she spits, curling her lip in disgust when she looks at my feeble frame.
“Fuck you,” I curse, not interested in being judged. She may not need to grieve Saint, but I do.
“Really? My brother saves you, and this is how you choose to live?” She flicks her hand with distaste around my small, dank room. “I thought you were a fighter.”
“I have nothing left to fight for,” I miserably confess, hating how weak and pathetic I sound.
“Bullshit! Get up,” she commands once again.
I am done with her self-righteous shit. I’m happy she got her life back on track, but that doesn’t give her the right to come in here and bark orders at me.
Sara shuffles her feet, and I notice she has on a pretty pair of sandals. I’m glad she’s no longer in rags.
“Get out, Zoey. I don’t want to talk to you.”
She turns her arrogant nose in the air and folds her arms across her chest. She isn’t going anywhere. “You owe him this.”
Zoey’s stubbornness must be a Hennessy trait because I can hear Saint’s tenacity in her tone, and if she’s anything like her brother, she won’t leave until she has the last word.
Standing angrily, I stalk forward, leveling her with a gaze filled with nothing but hatred. “You don’t think I know that? I owe him everything!” I cry, allowing the angry tears to burn my cheeks. “He sacrificed his life to save mine, but how can I ever repay him? He’s dead!”
My wrath was supposed to scald Zoey, but it seems to have the opposite effect. “There she is. The fighter I need.”
“What are you talking about?”
She smirks, and my god, I stagger back because she looks so much like her brother. “I need you. I need all of you.”
Sara stands tall for the first time ever while Alek rubs the back of his neck.
“What’s going on?”
Time stands still as I measure my breathing…
“I need all of you to help me.”
“With what?”
Zoey reaches into her back pocket, producing her cell. Her fingers hover over the screen, swiping with a poised confidence. When she passes it to me, I look at it like it’s a live grenade.
“With this?”
With trembling fingers, I accept the offering, but nothing can prepare me for what I see. “No,” I whisper, blinking rapidly, but the image is still there. “That’s not p-possible.” Everything closes in around me, and I suddenly can’t breathe.
“It’s very possible. Look at the poster on the wall. Look at the date.”
I do as she says, still unsure what I’m seeing because surely, this is a cruel trick.
“No,” I state more firmly this time because I don’t want to believe this. Because if it’s true, it means…