Page 21 of Fallen Saint
But when Aleksei cocks his head to the side, appearing to have just had a thought, I hold my breath. “How can you be certain? Maybe she’s said that to protect herself?”
I knew this wouldn’t be easy. There really isn’t a way to prove that I’m a virgin unless Aleksei probes for himself, which, according to Saint, he won’t do until I want him to…which will be never.
“I’ll prove it to you. Come here, ?????.”
Stunned, I blink once, wondering exactly how he’s proposing toprovemy virginity. But remembering my promise to do what I’m told, I walk toward Saint, ensuring not to touch Aleksei as I move past him. Aleksei turns to watch the show, appearing truly entranced.
My back is to Aleksei, so he can’t see me glare at Saint. I desperately want to ask just how many women there have been. But when he reaches out and spins me around to face Aleksei, I know the questions will have to wait.
He draws me back against his chest. He’s warm and the feel of him is so familiar, but I don’t allow Aleksei to see my comfort of being in his arms. “I can whip you until you bleed…or I can fuck you. Which would you prefer?”
Both sound horrific, and I prefer neither option, but I see what he’s doing. Most would opt for the fucking, as it would be far less painful, especially if one didn’t have their virtue to protect. “Whip me,??????.”
Aleksei’s eyes sparkle. It’s just another day at the office for this asshole.
“Are you sure? The fucking would be a lot less painful.” My body, the traitorous whore, wants that, but considering where we are, and the fact I just found out I’m not the only woman Saint has probably fucked into submission, I nod firmly.
“No. I’d rather the punishment.”
Saint hums low; the scorching warmth of his body pressed to mine has me breaking out into a sweat. “Why is that? I promise I’ll make it feel good.”
To my horror, he presses his lips over my pulse and licks my slickened skin. I refuse to buckle.
“Thank you, ??????. I’m sure that you would. But I’m saving myself for marriage. Or at least, for someone I love.” The falter to Saint’s lips betrays his feelings as that comment had a double meaning. I’m not acting now, and he knows it.
I wanted to have sex with him, so that must mean I…I don’t love him, well, I don’t think that I do, but I meant it when I said I wanted him. I am so fucking confused, and the way my body responds to his touch doesn’t help.
“Youaremarried,” he says, dousing my flames as he toys with his pinkie ring.
“I never got a chance to consummate my marriage,” I reply truthfully.
Aleksei smiles broadly, watching the shitstorm unfold.
“Your values are rather old fashioned, don’t you think?”
“My father was a Baptist minister, and it’s one principle he believed firmly in. I want to honor his memory by respecting something he had faith in.”
Christmas has come early in his eyes as he claps once. “You are so much more than I expected.” I’m the ultimate conquest, it seems.
“I think I can change your mind,” Saint says, interrupting the celebrations.
I don’t have time to ask Saint what he means because I’m robbed of air when he wraps his hand around my waist. Aleksei’s attention drops to Saint’s fingers as they walk their way over my hip and drift to the front of my underwear.
“Wh-what are you doing?” I ask, suddenly forgetting Aleksei is here.
“Shh,” he orders, rubbing slowly over my sex.
He can feel my arousal, but this is so twisted. I don’t want to perform in front of Aleksei like some trained circus animal.
“Please, no, ??????.” And I mean it.
“Why not?” He suckles my earlobe all the while continuing to caress me.
My body craves his touch, just as it always does, but when I look at Aleksei and see his dilated pupils and labored breathing, I feel disgusting. I don’t want to share this with anyone. This is private.
Any other time, I would feel Saint being turned on, but the fact nothing prods me in the back confirms he’s doing this to prove a point.
“Because…” When he rubs over my ripened clit, I gasp and sag forward, my entire body flushing in utter embarrassment. I’ve just gotten used to Saint touching me, especially after my childhood, so this PDA leaves me mortified.