Page 40 of Fallen Saint
“Where are we going?” I ask, suddenly sharing her apprehension.
She lifts her shoulders, revealing we’re both going in this blind. If that’s the case, I do the only thing I can to show her she’s not alone. I reach for her hand and squeeze it tight.
Seeing as we had no idea where we were going, Sara and I decided to wear something causal. She’s in a yellow pinafore dress while I opted for a dark blue chiffon mini dress with brown belt. Although it’s sleeveless, the neckline is high, so I don’t feel too exposed. I would give anything to wear my cowboy boots, but as there are none here in my closet, I’ve decided to wear brown ankle boots instead.
Sara waits nervously by the door, and when there is a knock, she yelps, betraying her nerves. She opens it to find Hans standing before her and reveals just how terrified she is by leaping into his arms. Even though this PDA is definitely forbidden, neither seems to care.
They hug one another tightly as Hans assures her it’ll be all right. These walls lack love and warmth, so seeing this foreign sight has tears threatening to break past the floodgates. Something I took for granted once upon a time now has the ability to leave me a blubbering mess.
“It’s okay. We are going to meet a new supplier. That’s all,” Hans says, rubbing Sara’s back as she cries into his chest. “Alek just wants to show off his prettiest girls.” He nervously meets my gaze, which I quickly avert as to not encroach on a private moment.
“Are you sure?” Sara sniffs, slowly pulling away. The moment may have only lasted a few seconds, but it’s enough for now.
“Yes. I overheard him talking to Saint. Don’t worry. I will be there.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Sara whispers, placing her palm to his cheek.
My heart breaks for these two secret lovers who have been brought together by heinous circumstances yet still managed to find beauty in the storm. I admire that. I wish they could watch their love grow freely, but we’re all caged birds with our wings clipped.
“Let’s go.” Saint’s sharp voice has Hans and Sara breaking apart quickly. Her cheeks redden while Hans stands tall, pretending Saint didn’t just catch him in a compromising position.
I know he’s mostly bark, but I wonder if they do. He does do Alek’s bidding. What do they see when they look at him?
When he comes into view, I know whatIsee, and that’s a man who isn’t interested in small talk. Something bad is about to go down. Hans may not know the full story or he may have played it down to calm Sara, but whatever we’re about to walk into can’t be good.
Saint takes a moment to take me in, and when he doesn’t mask his appraisal, I realize Hans and Sara can be trusted. The holster on his hip ruins the moment, and I swallow nervously.
Hans leads Sara out into the hallway while Saint waits for me by the doorway. I want to say so many things, but instead, I close my bedroom door and silently follow him through the rat maze. I’m slowly familiarizing myself with the layout, but this place resembles a labyrinth, which, of course, is done with intent.
When we get to the garage and a large Hummer SUV waits for us, I brace myself for what’s ahead. Saint walks to the driver’s side while Hans opens the door for us, indicating we’re to get in the back. I breathe a sigh of relief, hopeful Alek has decided to ride in another car, but when I climb in and see him in the passenger seat, my optimism takes a nosedive.
Hans closes the door, hinting he won’t be riding with us. Saint adjusts the mirror, positioning it so he can see me. The small gesture is enough to calm my racing heart. Until Alek turns over his shoulder and smiles at me.
“Buckle up,” he says lightly as though we’re simply going out for a casual outing. I do as he says, my fingers trembling as I fasten my seat belt. Saint takes off with speed, his patience already wearing thin.
The radio provides background noise, and when Alek speaks to Saint in Russian, it’s clear he doesn’t want us to know what he’s saying. Although curious, I decide to lose myself in the landscape because this is the first time I’ve been outside.
Although it’s night, the sky radiates a royal blue. The color could be from the abundance of lights illuminating the heavens. Though some of the architecture is quite contemporary, the feel is old world mixed with modern.
Although summer has come and gone and it’s early September, tourists still walk the streets, taking selfies and marveling at the beauty. Something so mundane seems so foreign to me now. I can’t take two steps without looking over my shoulder. I wonder if my life will ever return to normal if I escape? When I meet Saint’s eyes in the rearview mirror, I know the answer is no.
Nothing will ever be the same again.
We drive for about forty-five minutes, and when the neighborhoods become run-down, I guess we’re close to our final destination. The abandoned buildings have graffiti scribbled on them and faded advertisement posters rustle in the wind. The vibe points to these structures being vacant for years.
A flashing bright neon pink sign up ahead seems to be the only functioning establishment in the neighborhood. Saint pulls up in front of the building where two beefy security guards stand watch over the front door.
Craning my neck, I see the sign reads The Pink Pussycat. I dare say this is a strip club. My suspicions are confirmed when two women in jeweled thongs and silver stilettoes walk out the door and make a beeline for our car.
Saint looks at me in the mirror and nods subtly. His reassurance makes me feel remotely better. But when one of the women opens his door and leans in, batting her false lashes seductively, that assurance turns into the green-eyed monster. It seems he and The Pink Pussycat are well acquainted.
She says something to him in Russian, pursing her shiny red lips as she zeroes in on his. His gaze flicks to the mirror, watching me narrow my eyes as I challenge him on his next move. When he stops her advance by placing his hand on her shoulder, she peers down at it, confused.
Alek’s door then opens, and woman number two appears. The corner of her mouth lifts into a slanted grin. She goes in for a kiss, but he too stops her, mimicking Saint’s pose. “Nadia, I want you to meet Willow.”
The moment I hear my name, I stop glaring at Saint and remember where I am. Both women scowl at me, considering I’m the reason they’re not locking lips with their beaus. But Nadia knows better than to upset a man like Aleksei.
“Hello,” she says in a thick accent, nodding.