Page 5 of Fallen Saint
As far as distractions go, this is absolutely amazing, but I need to know what he has planned. Does he still intend to save Zoey? And if so, how, seeing as I was the bargaining chip?
But when my nipple pops free and Saint walks us backward until my ass hits the basin, I suddenly wish I’d kept my mouth shut because his reply changes everything.
My mouth hangs open as I’m at a loss for words. A simple word has just changed the course of it all.
I want to say so many things, but Saint presses a kiss to my cheek, then reaches for the kit, leaving me a wanton, needy mess.
When he opens the kit and yanks out a pair of scissors, I pale and make my way to the shower. Slipping out of my underwear, I turn on the faucets and stand under the warm spray. I’ve dreamed about this moment for weeks, but it suddenly falls short of my expectations because I’m distracted.
What happens next? But most importantly, what will I do to ensure Saint and I get off this boat together? As I remember his touches and get lost in his words, I know that I will do anything. Anything at all.
Even sell my soul…to the devil himself.
I’ve procrastinated long enough. It’s time to face the inevitable.
Once Saint removed the bullet and bandaged himself up, he said he was going to talk to Aleksei. I wanted to go with him, but I know they have much to discuss. Alone.
I understand Saint and I will have to be careful, knowing Aleksei will use whatever this thing is between us as leverage. Just as he used Zoey as collateral to Saint.
When Saint protected me on the island by standing in front of me when Zoey pointed her gun, he no doubt clued Aleksei in. But knowing Saint, he will play it off as something else. We both have to watch our backs. Not only from Aleksei but also Zoey. She is a loaded gun, and I’m afraid of what she’ll do next.
A banging on the door alerts me that my time is up.
I found a change of clothes on the marble counter when I exited the shower. The fiery red dress seems a little inappropriate, but I needed something to cover the barely there lace underwear set accompanying it.
Having everything in my size creeps me out, as it means Aleksei was preparing for my “homecoming.” I wonder what else he has in store for me.
When the thumping sounds once again, I look in the mirror and take three calming breaths. I raided the drawers for a weapon, but all I found were toiletries and the makeup I used to keep from resembling the living dead.
However, I remember the scissors in the first-aid kit and quickly lunge for them. Without much choice on where to stash them, I lift the hem of my dress and tuck them into the waistband of my underwear. Even though it’s not ideal, having them gives me a sense of security. No matter how false that may be.
Just as I’m straightening my dress, the door bursts open, and one of Aleksei’s men appears. He seems disappointed when I brush past him. I think he expected a fight or for me to be lying in a pool of my own blood.
Putting my game face on, I walk out into the dining area, ignoring the glares from Aleksei’s goons. When I don’t see Saint anywhere in sight, I decide to go up onto the upper deck to find him. But Adrian has other ideas when he blocks my path.
“Boss said you stay down here.”
Just as his brother did, he makes my skin crawl. However, while Kazimir wanted to defile me, I get the sense Adrian wants to defile my insides as he murders me.
Without bothering to argue, I walk over to a bench seat, away from my captors, and turn my back to them to look out the window. I still have no idea where we are, but I’m not worried about the journey. The final destination and what’s in store for me when we arrive in Russia are what have me lifting the hair off my neck and twisting it into a high topknot. I’m burning up in panic.
When the room falls silent, though, I wonder if I’ll even make it to Russia. If Zoey has her way, I’ll be overboard come nightfall. The men mumble under their breath, clearly hoping to see a catfight when Zoey marches down the stairs. But I am not competition. She can have Aleksei.
The fridge opens, and the sound of a water bottle opening cuts through the static. I keep my eyes up front because even though I would give my right arm for a sip of cold water, I remain quiet. Zoey, however, doesn’t share the sentiment.
When her bare feet pad across the floor, announcing her arrival, I brace myself for World War III.
“You may have my brother fooled, and Alek may be excited with the shiny new toy”—I curl my hands into tight fists to stop myself from slapping her—“but make no mistake, I am always going to betheirnumber one.”
I couldn’t care less about Aleksei. But what she says about Saint turns my stomach.
“Know your place and we won’t have a problem because my brother will always put me first. Don’t you ever forget it.”
Unable to hold my tongue any longer, I turn over my shoulder, pinning her with a glower of my own. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Zoey’s bowed lips tip into a malicious grin. “It means if you eventhinkabout taking Alek away from me, I will give my brother what he’s always wanted. The sweet, innocent sister he still thinks I am.”