Page 7 of Fallen Saint
I don’t know what he expects of me, so I simply nod once.
“Now that doesn’t sound very comfortable.”
Neither is being held against your will, you asshole,I think to myself.
“Well, hearing all about your adventures has leftmetired. I’m going to have a lie down.”
I exhale in relief, but it’s in vain.
When Zoey pushes off the wall, no doubt armed and ready to ease all the fatigue from his loins, Aleksei stuns us all. “You can stay here, Zoey. I don’t require your presence. Willow?”
Even though I’ve just heard my name and see his extended hand, my brain can’t comprehend that he requiresmypresence. Every part of my body protests, beseeching I don’t follow the lion into his den.
But what choice do I have?
I’m thankful I haven’t eaten because when I slip my hand into his, the need to throw up almost winds me. His hand is warm, soft, but when I think of all the lives these hands have destroyed, Saint’s included, it turns cold.
“You look absolutely beautiful, by the way. Red is your color.” He accentuates his comment with a wink while a small piece of me dies.
Standing, I attempt to pry my hand from his, but he holds on tight. I’m a true prisoner.
When we turn around, I want more than anything to make eye contact with Saint, but he stares straight ahead, his jaw clenched and his eyes cold. Zoey, though, doesn’t mask her emotions as well as her brother. She looks seconds away from ripping out my spleen.
Aleksei doesn’t seem bothered by anyone as he leads me toward a door, a door which no doubt leads to his bedroom.
This is my last chance to make a run for it. But when I look at a rigid Saint, it’s clear we’re all prisoners and pawns in Aleksei’s game. I follow him with my chin downturned in shame. Memories of being face first against that dirty carpet with Kenny’s heavy weight pressing into me rob me of air, but I squash the memories down because I refuse to be a victim again.
Aleksei opens the door, leading me into an elegant bedroom draped in gold velvet and silk. Turning around quickly, I lock eyes with Saint, and his tormented expression tears a hole straight through me. Aleksei closes the door but not before Saint steps forward, primed on saving me as he always has.
Aleksei leans against the locked door, a reptilian smile spreading from cheek to cheek. I back up, only for my legs to hit the king-sized bed. He watches me with hunger. “I think it’s time we got to know one another without all the…distraction.”
Distraction? He means Saint.
I gulp, the walls closing in on me.
Feeling behind me, I walk my way slowly around the bed, never taking my eyes off Aleksei as I cower in the furthest corner of the room. He watches on amused, a true cat and mouse game.
“And to do that, I need to see you.”
My heart begins to pound against my rib cage. “You can see me just fine now.”
Aleksei’s animated laughter slashes the air. “Suit yourself.”
When he pushes off the door, I frantically scan the room from left to right, searching for an escape route. But the man intent on trapping me forever has blocked my only way out.
Feelings of helplessness surround me, and the stench of Kenny’s soaked breath crashes into me. But another smell overrides that weakness, and that’s the combination ofspicy, sweet, and floral—Saint’s signature fragrance.
Thoughts of him and his belief in me that I’m the bravest woman he knows have me refusing to surrender. I will do him proud whenIsave us this time.
It’s time I showed Aleksei my real worth.
I’m going to kill him. I don’t know how or when, but it’s inevitable. I should have done it years ago. After seeing the way he looks at her, it takes all my strength not to end him right now. But I have to bide my time. I have to be smart. Regardless of my feelings for her.
Day 34
MY HEART THRASHESagainst my rib cage; so much so, the frantic rhythm deafens me. But I pull it together and don’t lose sight of the predator stalking toward me.
Judging by the enormous bulge protruding from Aleksei’s pants, he thoroughly enjoys this game. I have nowhere to go, seeing as I’m backed into a corner, so I scamper onto the bed, intent on running from this room.