Page 76 of Fallen Saint
“They look terrified,” I reply, stating fact. I may be bound to Alek, but I owe nothing to this asshole.
“Terrified?” he questions, cocking his head to the side. “I doubt that. How about we ask them? Ingrid, come.”
Without hesitation, Ingrid walks over to Oscar, head bowed as she awaits further command.
“Is it true? Are you terrified?”
Ingrid slowly shakes her head, but it’s clear she’s lying.
“You see, you heard it yourself. No one is terrified.” Oscar grins, daring me to challenge him. “I’m not sure what household Alek runs, but here, we’re all friends. Aren’t we?”
“Yes, sir,” both Dominic and Ingrid mumble.
Sickened, I close my eyes, needing a moment.
“Why am I here?” I’m done with the small talk. If there is a point of me being here, I’d rather he put me out of my misery now.
Oscar pats his leg, as a master would to a dog, motioning for Ingrid to drop to her knees. “I told you, I want to know your worth.”
As he pats Ingrid’s head, I glare furiously, so sick of these people thinking they have any right to degrade another human being. “Well, let’s get it over with then.”
Oscar’s lips twitch. “Dominic, I want you to tell me if she’s as sweet as she looks.”
Time stands still, and my bravado suddenly fizzles.
Dominic meets my eyes with nothing but regret as he steps to command.
Instantly, I back up, feeling around for a weapon, but it’s useless. “What are you doing?”
Oscar stands on the sidelines with Ingrid at his feet as he watches his sick dreams come to life.
“No, please don’t,” I beg Dominic, but he’s just as much a prisoner as I am. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because Alek owes me,” Oscar replies. “And you have what I want.”
Dominic stalks me as I dance around the table, pushing chairs in his way, hoping it’ll buy me some time. “What do I have?” I exclaim, sick and tired of these games. “I have nothing!”
“That’s where you’re wrong. You have the one thing I want and can’t have.”
The game of cat and mouse ends as Dominic lunges for me and grips my wrist, dragging me toward him. “No!” I cry, thrashing wildly. I try to use my self-defense training, but Dominic is strong, and I’m panicking, forgetting everything Saint taught me. “Whatever it is, you can have it!”
Oscar clucks his tongue, a look of genuine loss passing over him. “I wish that were true.”
“What is it?” I am hysterical because when Dominic clears the table with his forearm, sending china crashing to the floor, I know there is no escape this time. No matter how hard I fight him, I’m doomed. He throws me onto the hard surface, fumbling with my zipper as I desperately try to slap, punch, and kick him. I get in one punch, but he barely feels it.
The fight in me dies when Oscar reveals why we’re here. “Saint. I want him, but I can’t have him… because of you.”
“He isn’t mine to give!” I exclaim, kicking and flaying my arms to keep Dominic off me. But he continues to pin me to the table with ease.
“You’re right, but maybe he’ll change his mind with you gone.”
“You’re fucking crazy!” I spit, turning my face to look at Oscar. “You can’t buy people’s love. You earn it. But I wouldn’t expect a monster like you to understand that! So do what you will. It won’t change the fact that you’re right.” I stop fighting, narrowing my eyes. “You can’t have him…because he’s mine. And he always will be.”
Oscar’s mouth parts in utter shock as I’ve just confirmed his suspicions. But I don’t care. He’s about to destroy me anyway. So this is my final fuck you.
I stare up at the ceiling as Dominic yanks off my jeans. My underwear is next to go. I’m lax, detached from my body as he removes my tank. When he removes my bra, he lowers his body down onto mine and whispers a hollowed, “Sorry,” into my ear.
But I understand. It’s either him or me.