Page 9 of Fallen Saint
When he doesn’t move, I threaten to draw blood.
“Okay, fine.” He goes to move off me, which has me celebrating, but it’s premature because the moment my grip on the scissors slackens, he slaps them from my hand. They skid across the floor, echoing the dire consequences headed my way.
I work on pure adrenaline and spring up, but Aleksei forces me back onto the mattress when he presses his forearm over my windpipe, holding me down. I claw at his arm and kick my legs, but he only pushes down harder. “Youarea pleasant surprise. I must thank your husband.”
The mere mention of Drew has me thrashing about like a wild cat, uncaring that Aleksei will probably choke me into submission. Without breaking a sweat, he reaches into the bedside table with his free arm and produces a pair of handcuffs.
He yanks my arms above me, snapping one cuff around my wrist before threading the restraints around the twisted steel of the Victorian style headboard and quickly removing his arm from my windpipe to fasten my other hand.
I lunge forward, but the movement only jars my shoulders from their sockets. “You fucking bastard!” The handcuffs rattle against the headboard as I yank at them, but I’m not going anywhere.
Aleksei smirks, shuffling down the bed and straddling me. I try to buck him off, but his strong thighs pin me to the bed. “I should force my cock down your throat as punishment for speaking to me that way.”
His threat has me gritting my teeth together. “Try it and see what happens,” I warn, as this time, I will ensure to not let go.
“But when that happens”—he leans down to whisper into my ear—“and it will happen. I won’t be seconds away from exploding into that beautiful mouth like I am right now. You’ve got me so worked up, and I wouldn’t want you to think I was lacking in stamina because with someone like you, I want to savor every last inch.” He suckles my earlobe while I squeeze my eyes shut. “But right now, I just want to come. I suppose having Zoey here does have its benefits after all.”
He is revolting because Zoey, it seems, is merely a warm body to jerk off into.
“Don’t go anywhere,” he quips as he crawls off me. I turn my cheek, refusing to look at him.
When the door closes behind him, I exhale in relief.
An electrical current pulses through me, but it’s not the good kind. I tug at the handcuffs, but they’re tight. My feet aren’t bound, but in this position, I have nowhere to go. “Fuck!” I scream in frustration and flail madly, angry with myself for hesitating instead of growing a pair.
I had the opportunity to end this, but I faltered, and it’s cost me dearly.
During the past few weeks, I’ve felt hopeless, but this, this is something else. With Saint, I never felt this terrified because deep down, I’ve always trusted him. Even when I shouldn’t have. But Aleksei scares me because his promises aren’t empty.
Sinking into the pillow, I rack my brain, attempting to piece together a plan to get the fuck off this boat. But the longer I think, the more desolate things look. I suddenly would give anything to be back on the island. There, things were complicated, but I was with Saint, and together, I never doubted we could accomplish anything.
Things were never black and white, but for a mere moment in time, that island was my own private oasis. I began to feel things that I have never felt before, and I was foolish not to embrace them because now…I’ve run out of time.
When the door bursts open, I curse my thoughts, but when I see who just entered, my heart fills with a sliver of hope. Saint quietly closes the door behind him, his eyes distressed when he sees me handcuffed to the bed.
“A????.” He rushes over, brushing the hair from my cheeks. “Did he hurt you?”
“No.” I lean into his touch, closing my eyes in relief. “Uncuff me. Please.”
Saint nods and frantically searches the room.
“Try the bedside table.” I gesture with my chin to the one Aleksei took the cuffs out of.
After hunting desperately, he runs a hand through his hair, yanking at the snarled strands. “Fuck. He’s probably got the key on him.”
He should know. Didn’t he do the same to me?
“Where is he?”
When Saint averts his gaze, I know where. He’s no doubt gone to find Zoey. The thought turns my stomach.
“I don’t have much time,” he says, sitting near me and glaring at the cuffs. “I need to win back his trust. It’s the only way I can get you off this fucking yacht! He’s watching me closely. They all are.”
“So how do you do that?”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows deeply. “I have to do what he says…regardless of my feelings.”
He doesn’t need to spell it out. We’re both prisoners, and Aleksei is the puppet master, pulling both our strings.