Page 93 of Fallen Saint
The smug jibe has the desired effect as Alek rips his hand from Saint’s, glaring at Oscar. But he won’t make a scene in front of his guests. “If you’ll excuse us.”
He doesn’t wait for Oscar to speak and escorts me away, fuming as he mumbles obscenities under his breath. I can feel Saint’s eyes following my every move, but he refrains from acting out because tonight is all about timing.
Apart from Saint’s eyes, I can’t shake the feeling that someone else watches me. But who?
“You’re shaking,” Alek says, leading me toward the corner of the room. “I know seeing Oscar and Dominic after what happened is beyond traumatizing for you. I’m sorry. I should have revoked his invite!” The true anger in his tone surprises me.
A waiter zips past us, carrying a tray of champagne flutes. Alek stops him and reaches for two glasses. “Here, this will help take the edge off.”
“I’m going to need a lot more than one glass.” Nonetheless, I accept and gulp down the sweet liquid in one mouthful.
It’s impossible not to seek Saint out because I am drawn to him. When we lock eyes across the room, I realize staying away from Saint is going to be nearly impossible. He calls to my very existence.
Even though he wears a mask, he reeks of fury. Oscar, on the other hand, appears causal as he leads Saint around the room like a trained poodle. It’s his dream come true to have Saint at his beck and call. I can’t help but feel guilty because he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for me.
Saint nods subtly, a silent assurance that he’s here and he won’t let anything happen to me.
“Let’s get this over with.” Alek’s irritated tone snaps me into the now as he leads me into the ballroom. His good mood has been dampened.
A flurry of excitement exists in the ballroom as people take their position, more than ready to have the festivities formally commence. I gape around at the sea of people, unbelieving that so many corrupt individuals exist.
I’m unsure who the official members of The Circle are. Surely not all of them. I can imagine Alek would invite your “nobodies” not to rouse suspicion and to fall in their favor. To the innocent, we are simply celebrating Alek’s new bride.
“May I have everyone’s attention?” Alek calls from the front of the room.
The moment they hear his commanding voice, a quiet falls over everyone. People in the foyer quickly enter the ballroom, shuffling into the room like lambs to slaughter. Oscar and Saint make their way through the crowd, standing against the far wall as they watch us closely.
When Alek has their attention, he draws me against his side so we’re touching. The action doesn’t go unnoticed by Saint as he folds his arms across his broad chest exceptionally slow.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I will speak in English,” he says, not that anyone would dare object. “Thank you for coming. Tonight is about celebrating life and love.”
I swallow down my nerves.
“And this woman who stands by my side represents both. It’s because of her that all of this”—he sweeps his hand around the room—“is happening. I wanted to celebrate her existence with all of you because she means…so much to me.”
Instantly, I gaze at Saint whose chest rises and falls in dangerously measured breaths.
“I never believed in love at first sight. I laughed, mocking those who believed in such childish nonsense. But my mind has been changed. Willow”—he hugs me closer while I stand as stiff as a board—“she has shown me that there is no shame in being vulnerable. It doesn’t make us weak to lower our guards. It makes us stronger because learning to love allows one to see the world differently.”
The room listens intently as Alek’s speech has come as a surprise to some. Astra suddenly appears out of nowhere, and the sea of people part, allowing her to take front row, center. Her men flank her, but I’m surprised to see another addition.
However, he doesn’t appear to be a guard. He seems to be someone…valued. She whispers into his ear, and his lips tip up into a slanted grin. Together, dressed in riches and gold, they are deadly, and the sense of foreboding suddenly returns.
Alek notices her arrival but soon recovers. “So I ask you raise your glass to my???????.” A waiter quickly scurries to Alek, passing him two flutes of champagne. He offers me one, staring at me with longing over the rim of the glass.
My cheeks heat because Saint’s scorn burns me. But I accept with a small smile. The room raises their glasses, awaiting the toast.
Alek turns me so I’m facing him as he takes my hand. With nothing but devotion, he declares, “To you, my darling. I promise to cherish you and to hold you in the highest regard. I live only to make you happy. I pledge this to you. Always.”
Unsuspecting guests gush over Alek’s words as they shout out their approval. Astra and her mystery man raise their glasses at Alek and me, but in no way are they touched. I stand speechless, my mouth slightly parted, unsure what to say.
But speech isn’t what Alek wants because when he bends forward and kisses me, he stakes his claim that I’m his. I attempt to recoil violently, but he loops his arm around my waist, holding me prisoner. The catcalls from the crowd echo around us while I focus on nothing but this ending forever.
The kiss isn’t chaste, and when he nudges my lips open with his tongue, it takes all of my willpower not to bite down on it. But as he continues coaxing me to surrender, I finally open up to him, realizing this will be over a lot quicker if I comply.
His moans slip down my throat while I close my eyes, blinking back my tears. My heart aches because I can only imagine what this is doing to Saint. Surely, he knows I’m only doing this so I don’t rouse any suspicion.
However, when Alek finally breaks the kiss and lets me go and I seek him out, his usual chartreuse swirls are narrowed and overtaken by a darkness that chills me to the very core. I never believed he was capable of such vehemence, but now, I do.