Page 116 of Forever My Saint
“How much was the life insurance policy you took out on me?”
When his mouth opens and closes like a useless fish, I knee him in the groin. He turns a lovely shade of pink before toppling forward. I hold him up by the shoulder, shuddering at the touch.
“There was no policy,” he wheezes.
“Drew, this will be a lot easier on you if you stop lying.”
“Get out of my house, you psycho bitch.” He coughs as he attempts to breathe. “How did you even get in?”
“I picked the lock,” I reply as if it’s a no-brainer.
“Who are you?” He gasps, eyes wide, stunned by my revelation.
When I push him back, he comes to a wobbly stand. “I’m the woman who you thought would roll over and die. Well, surprise, I didn’t. So now, it’s your turn to…die.”
He turns a ghastly shade of white. “You don’t mean that.”
“Oh, but I do,” I counter, standing on tippy toes and leveling him with nothing but sincerity. “As much as I would take great pleasure in seeing that, it doesn’t seem like enough. I want you to disappear. For good.”
“You will pack up your shit and disappear. Today. Drew Gibbs is a name of the past,” I explain as simply as I can.
But we don’t seem to be on the same page.
“I’m not going anywhere. I built a name for myself.”
Insert eye roll.
“You built a name for yourself by lying and cheating. You were broke, which is the reason you married me. You sold me to pay off your debt. You’re no entrepreneur. You’re a dick. A dick whose karma train is coming. Choo-choo.”
Drew finally realizes I’m not playing and narrows his eyes into slits. “Why would I go?”
“Because if you don’t, I will go to the police and tell them everything. Not only will you be charged for insurance fraud, but you’ll also be facing time for human trafficking. Throw in money laundering and you’ll be looking at some serious time.”
Drew’s color transforms from red to white back to red. “You can’t do this to me.”
“I can, and I am,” I reply confidently, brushing invisible lint from his shirt.
“Where am I supposed to go?”
“Not my problem.”
“Babe,” he reasons, trying to turn on the charm. He reaches out to stroke my cheek. I stop him by breaking his nose.
“Motherfucker!” he screeches, cupping his bleeding nose. I would be lying if I said seeing him bleed doesn’t give me great satisfaction.
“Don’t patronize me. You have one hour to pack your shit.”
Drew is beyond furious. “No one will believe you. Who’s going to believe I sold you to a Russian mobster in a game of poker to pay off a quarter-million debt I owed?”
When I’m silent, he gloats, thinking he’s won.
“The insurance policy was one million dollars, by the way, so your sweet ass was worth a lot of money. And I would do it again. Given half the chance, I would sell you or any other bitch to get what I wanted. And do you think money laundering is something new? Please. How do you think I got to where I am in the first place? Hard work?”
A twitch under my eye gives away my anger. “So you never loved me?” I know the answer, but I need to hear it.
“You stupid hillbilly.” He snickers, removing his hand from his nose. He wears his blood with pride. “No, I never loved you. All it was, was a game to get what I want. I’ll give you points for trying to play with the big boys, but you lost. I won. I won the moment I sold you to clear my debt. And the cherry on top is when my crocodile tears convinced the insurance company that you were lost at sea.”