Page 72 of Forever My Saint
“No problem. I’ve got money.” Yes, he does. Twenty million, to be precise. I know this because he was prepared to use it to save my life.
When Saint notices me gnawing on my lip, he gently releases it, jerking me into the now. This is really happening. “On record, you’re technically dead anyway. It’ll be okay. There is nothing to worry about.”
And that’s thanks to my darling husband.
“Let’s make the call, Pavel.” Saint clearly wants this done as soon as possible.
Pavel nods and stands.
“Is there room for me?”
And my day just got worse.
I forgot Zoey was even here, which was my error, as she’s just muscled in on our plan. I shouldn’t expect her to stay here, but I wish she would. I don’t even know what’s ahead for Saint and me, so with Zoey in tow, I can’t see it being good.
Saint turns over his shoulder to look at her. He too is surprised. “You want to go back home?”
Zoey shrugs, but it’s written all over her face. She does.
Saint looks down at me as we haven’t discussed this far ahead. We were happy to get through a day without being killed, but now, talks of the future are daunting. I want to be with him, and I think he wants to be with me, but we haven’t discussed the logistics—like where we would live or if his she-devil sister was coming with us.
This entire situation turns my stomach.
“It can be arranged.” Pavel cuts through the silence.
“Thank you. If that’s what you want, Zoey, then I can’t stop you.” That is not a welcoming invitation, but it isn’t a no either.
Half a smile spreads across Zoey’s lips.
Saint kisses my cheek, leaving me with my mouth gaping as he leaves the room with Pavel to discuss our escape plan. When I meet Zoey’s eyes and she grins, the urge to slap her overcomes me. But I resist the urge, seeing as we may be roomies come next week.
“I’m going to take a shower.” Showering is the least of my concerns, but I need to get out of here.
Since my things are out in the barn, it gives me an excuse to walk out the back door with the intent of never coming back. The wind howls around me, but I continue walking as the fresh air simmers my raging nerves.
I can’t believe she is coming with us. If she was so eager to go back to America, why the fuck didn’t she leave when Saint begged her to? My hatred for this woman knows no bounds, and the need to hit something increases.
I’m beyond irate when I yank open the barn door, so when I see Alek sitting on a bale of hay, I give into my primeval need to scream. “What are you doing in here?” I shout, slamming the door shut behind me.
He merely crosses an ankle over the other, not appreciating my hysteria. “I just want to talk.”
“Then talk,” I snap, staying far away from him.
“So you’re okay with this plan?”
“When did I ever have a say in what I was okay with?”
Alek is startled by my response. “I’m sorry about that. I’m sorry for everything.”
Now I’m the one caught off guard as this is the first time he’s apologized to me. “It’s too late for apologies.”
“Be that as it may, I still want you to know how sorry I am.”
“Why?” I fold my arms across my chest.
“I need your forgiveness in case things turn dire.”
My mouth opens, but I close it quickly as I was not expecting that response.