Page 11 of Thy Kingdom Come
He slams his fist onto the desk. “That lying fuck! He must be made an example of. No man of mine is a fucking Catholic. No man.”
And this is the only thing my father and I agree on.
It’s in my blood to hate Catholics. How could I possibly not after what they did to my ma? But it’s more than that. To understand my stance, we have to go back in time.
Certain parts of Northern Ireland are Protestant, whereas others are Catholic. Some of these areas are divided by a wall—the Peace Line. As wains, Cian, Rory, and I knew it was dangerous to venture into the neighborhoods of the Catholics.
We couldn’t play thick as the enormous paintings on various buildings clearly show what area you were in. But that just tempted us all the more. As kids, we would sneak in just to get a glimpse of the unknown. And that’s what almost got Cian killed.
One night, we wandered too far, and some Catholic didn’t appreciate three wee hoods in his garden. He shot Cian in the back, no warning shot. Thankfully, Cian lived, but the same can’t be said for the Catholic.
Back then, the majority of the peelers in Northern Ireland were Protestant; therefore, they didn’t take too lightly to a Catholic harming their “own.” Although they said there was no prejudice, we knew different, which is why the IRA served as a special “police force” for the Catholics.
But don’t assume Catholics have been hard done by. They keep to their own as well.
We’ve been shunned, spat on, and cursed at for being Protestant by many Catholics throughout our lives. Cian, Rory, and I were minding our business when a Catholic gang beat us up for no reason. We were eight. This is why my dad taught me how to fight.
My dad is proud of his heritage. His ancestors are from England and Scotland, and have always been Protestant. But many people in Northern Ireland are descendants of the original population and are Catholic.
So, we’re faced with a split populace belonging to different religious backgrounds. Hence, the hatred between the two religions.
Long story short—I was taught all Catholics are the enemy. And after what they did to my ma, to Cian, and the experiences I’ve had with them since I was a wain, I believe it to be true.
“I need ya to take care of it,” my dad states, surprising me.
“Connor,” Uncle Sean warns. “He’s just a cub.”
“Wind yer neck in,” Dad argues. “We need to keep a low profile with the peelers sniffin’ around.”
With the new chief constable just appointed, Da has to test the waters to see which side of the law he sits. In the past, Da has been able to bribe many peelers to turn the other way, but now, he isn’t sure if the chief constable is a friend or foe.
“Think you can handle it?” Dad asks, watching me closely.
“Aye, I’ll get it sorted.”
I’ve been doing my father’s dirty work since I was eleven. If someone didn’t pay for their order, whether that be drugs, guns, or protection, I went around and made sure they paid. We aren’t a charity.
But I’ve never killed anyone. Sure, I’ve roughed them up good and lamped them within an inch of their lives—hence why my dad wanted to name me Puck—but it seems Da wants me to take the next step, the step every Kelly is expected to eventually take.
I could justify what I did by reasoning they were the bad guys, not me, but in reality, I am the worst of them all.
I try not to think about how my actions will impact Orla. Her father made a choice, and it was the wrong one. Now, he must suffer the consequences.
“Good lad. There’s something else I want ya to do for me.”
I arch a brow, indicating I’m listening.
“I want ya to be nice to Darcy Duffy.”
“Iamnice to her,” I counter, wishing he’d give up on this idea.
“Grand, ’cause we’ve been invited to the Duffys’ tomorrow for tea.”
“I wish you’d let this go, aul’ lad,” I say as no matter how many teas we attend, Darcy and I will never be a thing.
But it seems Da won’t take no for an answer this time. “Is yer head cut? Who d’ya think yer speakin’ to, ya ungrateful fucker?”
Uncle Sean grips my arm, a silent warning not to rebel. But not this time.