Page 111 of Thy Kingdom Come
“Sean knows about this?”
I nod. “Aye. He knows it all.”
“And ya didn’t think to tell me this?” he exclaims, fists bunched by his sides.
“I’m tellin’ ya now,” I reply, unmoved by his theatrics.
Connor advances with his fist raised, but I reach out and seize it in my palm. “Y’ll never raise a hand to me again. Or the twins. I’ll kill ye if ye do. Come with me. I’ve a lot to tell ya.”
He fumbles over his feet as I push him away. “Ya speak to yer da this way?”
I toss my head back, laughing. “Yer not my da. Ye never were. I’ve the test to prove it. I may not be a Kelly, but I’m the one who’s about to save this family. So quit yer yackin’, we’re away to the lorry.”
I don’t wait for him as I turn on my heel and head for the car. His frantic footsteps reveal he’s following. I order Connor’s driver to go home as we won’t be needing him.
As I get into my car, the passenger door is almost ripped from its hinges as Connor opens it. He gets in, ragin’.
“Don’t forget yer seat belt,” I quip, unable to wipe the smile from my bake.
He fights with it, but eventually gets it done up.
Once we’re buckled up, I start our journey to where Uncle Sean and his reinforcements lay waiting in hiding. Liam is expecting me, so my face is one they’re expecting to see. The others, however, not so much.
“Why’d ya have their address and not do anythin’ ’bout it?” I ask, deciding to fill the uncomfortable silence with even more awkwardness.
“What did ya want me to do?”
“Um, how ’bout the right thing: killin’ every last fucker who murdered yer wife?” I offer like it’s a no-brainer.
“That’s not how this works, Puck.”
“It worked a beezer for me,” I challenge, gripping the steering wheel. “But I suppose ye stopped carin’. Ya moved on with yer new life and that.”
“I never forgot yer ma, contrary to what ye think. I loved her.”
This would be the moment in a film or a book where the son forgives his father, and they work together and make amends for the past. But this is neither. This is my life, and no matter what Connor says, I’ll never forgive him for what he did.
“So ya got the tests done?”
“Aye, you are not the father,” I say, mimicking Maury Povich—Amber’s favorite daytime TV host. “That’s come as a huge relief, I can imagine.”
“Naw, I can’t say that it has.”
His comment unsettles me.
“Why did ye have all that gear in yer bedroom? Y’know better than that. I can’t get my head around it.”
Connor turns to me. “Aye, I do, which is why I didn’t put it there.”
“I just cannot believe it. If ye didn’t put it there, then who did?”
He shrugs, turning to look back out the windscreen, leaving me with this mankin’ feeling in my guts. I don’t want to believe him because if he didn’t do it, the only other person who knew about the gear was Babydoll.
“Ya feelin’ all right?” Connor asks with a hint of sarcasm. “Minus craic altogether knowin’ y’ve been made a fool of.”
Touché, fucker.
Refusing to give him the pleasure of seeing me ragin’, I focus on the road and park the car where Uncle Sean directed me to. He has set up surveillance around the area, so the ambush will go off without a hitch. Looking at my watch, I see that it’s time to go.