Page 118 of Thy Kingdom Come
Ferris kills the engine and exits the lorry. I’m expecting to see Uncle Sean with him, as that was the plan. But he’s not here.
“Ferris, how’s the wains?” Brody asks like they’re old friends catching up—they probably are.
Liam looks as surprised as I am, which confirms he played no part in this new plan. Robbing us was always part of the plan, but Liam was kept in the dark with the details. His anger is reflective of mine.
“Ack, they’re always wantin’,” Ferris replies. When he sees me, his eyes widen as he obviously wasn’t expecting me here.
“Bout ye?” I stare him straight in the eye.
“What’s he doing ’ere?” He nervously looks at Brody.
“Surprise, shitehawk.”
“Everythin’ inside?” Brody asks, wanting to get down to business.
Ferris nods, his apprehension evident.
“Thanks, mate. Really appreciate it.”
Before anyone has a chance to figure out what’s going on, Brody takes out his gun and shoots Ferris between the eyes. He’s dead before he hits the ground.
I stand emotionless because Ferris chose his fate. Just as we all have.
Brody steps over Ferris, gesturing Liam is to follow him. I could end this right here, right now and kill Brody where he stands. But I cannot. I do that, and I’ll never find out the truth.
Babydoll keeps her distance. No matter that I know her real name, she’ll always be Babydoll to me.
Just as Liam is about to open the back of the lorry, Brody turns to me. “C’mere. You can do the honors.”
I’m not thick. I know Brody is concerned that whoever his partner in crime is will double-cross him. Is that why he needed me as collateral? It’s the only thing that makes sense. I’m valuable to this person. Or so Brody thinks I am.
With nothing to lose, I walk forward, but that’s as far as I get because rustling from the dense bushland alerts us that someone is coming, and that someone is Connor.
“Don’tcha move, Puck,” he orders, stepping onto the gravel road. I look behind him but don’t see Uncle Sean. Where is he?
“Connor Kelly,” Brody says with a wide grin. “Y’always knew how to make an entrance.”
“Fuck ye,” Connor spits, looking at where Ferris’ corpse is strewn on the ground. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Brody shrugs while I look at Connor. What’s that mean?
“We had a deal. Why would ya break it? Why now?”
“Deal? What fuckin’ deal?” I question. This is the first time I’ve ever heard this. As far as I knew, Connor hadn’t seen Brody for years.
A sinking feeling hits me low and I begin to fear for my uncle.
I brought Connor here, thinking I was teaching him a lesson, but what if Uncle Sean didn’t want him here for a reason. What if what Brody said was right, and itwasConnor who killed Ma. What if Connor is the inside man?
It makes sense. For someone to be able to penetrate without detection would mean they know the workings of our business like the back of their hand. I suddenly regret my actions. Did I welcome the enemy into this with open arms?
“That deal was made long ago,” Brody replies calmly. “Things change. People change.”
“Ye made a deal with afuckingKelly?” Liam spits, just as in the dark as I am.
“Ach son, don’tcha be speaking about things ya have no idea about. I did what I had to for this family. I never wanted a part of Belfast.”