Page 121 of Thy Kingdom Come
“I told them what I did. We were all going to pay for our crimes. But yer…” He splutters up blood but won’t go down without a fight. “I didn’t kill yer ma. I lo-loved her. So much. The deal I made was to save ye.”
Babydoll cries beside me, holding me up as I fight to stay awake. “Who killed her?”
Connor reaches up and with trembling fingers, he wipes away the tears I didn’t even know I was shedding. “Don’t trust him,” he pants, struggling to breathe.
“Who?” I scream, placing my hand over his. He’s freezin’.
“Yer uncle,” he pants, flinching in pain. “Don’t trust…Sean.”
His hand grows limp, but I press it to my face, refusing to accept this. No, this is not the end. He can’t leave the earth like this.
“Connor?” I wheeze, squeezing his hand, begging he take my strength and make it his own.
“Punky, he’s g-gone.”
But I refuse to listen to Babydoll’s pleas. There is no way he’s gone. This man is the strongest arsehole I know.
“Aul’ lad?” I press, shoving at his chest, the chest which no longer fills with air. “…Dad?”
Grief tackles me, and I’m transported back to that bedroom floor when I pleaded for my ma to wake up. But just like her, Connor won’t. He’s dead. I’ve watched both my parents perish, and I still don’t know why.
With his blood mingled with mine, I swipe three fingers down the middle of my forehead, promising that his death won’t be in vain.
Coming to a wobbly stand, I look for Uncle Sean and see him fighting with a masked man. I clutch Babydoll by the arm and shove her into the van. She tries to fight me, but I lean inside and buckle her in.
With bittersweet tears, she makes the promise I asked of her. “I’ll come ba-back to you.”
And I hope one day she will.
Slamming the door shut, I ignore the tingling in my limbs as blood gushes from me and shoot any man who stands in Babydoll’s way.
Uncle Sean turns, and when he sees me shoot, his eyes widen.
Don’t trust…Sean.
Before I leave this earth, I need to know why.
So, with my gun raised, I hobble over, demanding he give me the answers I seek. I don’t even know where Brody is, and honestly, I don’t care. All I care about is finding out why I shouldn’t trust the one man who I do trust with my entire being.
“What did ye do?” I scream, training the gun on Uncle Sean.
He shoots two men who come running for him. “Punky, yer jokin’ me? Yer gonna shoot me, are ye?”
“Why did Connor tell me not to trust ya? Those were the last words to leave him!”
“Connor is dead?”
“Answer the fucking question!” I hear the van’s motor start. It’s almost over. She’s safe.
“I don’t know, lad!” Sean cries, lowering his gun, but I don’t lower mine.
“How did Babydoll know who ye were?”
“Because she told me. When she came to the house lookin’ for ya, she told me everythin’. I promised not to tell ya because I had a plan.”
“Thiswas yer fucking plan?” I exclaim, arms out wide.