Page 25 of Thy Kingdom Come
“Nice to meet you,” Rory says with a French accent. I mentally thank Estelle, Rory’s first girlfriend and exchange student from Paris, as he’s adopted the accent perfectly. “I’m Paul.”
Cian smiles. “G’day mate, mi name’s Kanga. Bloody ripper to meet ya.” Looks like his obsession withCrocodile Dundeehas paid off.
These lads are smart, playing along perfectly. Their accents are flawless.
Liam appears a moment later, grinning when he sees he has company. Just what is he playing at? “Grand to meet ya, lads, mi name’s Liam Doyle.”
Just hearing his name aloud is so surreal. I have been hunting him and his clan for so long, so to be here, it almost feels like a dream. But this is no dream. This is real life, and I’m really going to end the Doyle bloodline, even if it takes the rest of my life to do so.
Cian and Rory continue with their roleplaying, introducing themselves.
“What do ya get when an Irishman, an Australian, a Frenchman, and an American walk into a bar?” Liam says playfully, attempting to set a lighthearted mood.
But we know better. However, we all play along, laughing and fueling his already large ego.
The other men introduce themselves, but they’re of no interest to me as I assume they’re acquaintances. I have a wee hunch this may be a casual business meeting as such. It makes sense for it to occur on Doyle turf.
Liam wants this to appear informal, but if they dare step out of line, they’ll be punished as Liam has home ground advantage.
Cian and Rory make light conversation with the other two men, but Liam and Aidan make clear their interest is with me. “How long ya in Dublin for?”
“A couple of weeks,” I reply, sipping my Guinness.
Every time Aidan talks, laughs, or breathes, I want to slam his head onto the table and make him bleed. I’m inches away from ma’s killer, and I can’t do a thing about it. Not yet, anyway. I need to remind myself of this because the urge to inflict pain on him is almost unbearable.
“So, yer a bit of a rebel then?” Liam says, lowering his voice.
I just smile in response.
“Did ya want to make some extra money while yer here?” And the real reason Liam has shown interest in me has been revealed.
“Doing what?” I ask, not wanting to appear too eager.
“Chance yer arm and trust me, bucko.” Liam throws back a shot of whiskey, waiting for me to reply.
“Okay, I’m in.”
Cian and Rory have heard the exchange, and by their stiff upper lips, they’re seconds away from telling me to wise up, but this is happening. I don’t know what I’m needed for, but I’m going to find out. I can’t let this opportunity go.
Liam hollers, slapping my back happily. “Good lad. We do have a wee initiation process.”
“What is it?” I keep my cool as I knew there was a catch.
Liam pours a shot of whiskey and slides the glass my way. “Yer a good fighter?”
Nodding, I accept the whiskey and knock it back.
“Gas. Let’s see how good ya are then.”
Aidan gulps down his whiskey, making a face as he stands, hinting this is happening now.
“Thanks for coming, lads. I’ll be in touch.” Liam dismisses the two men as their business is done for now. They don’t argue and shake hands before leaving us alone.
Liam grabs the bottle of whiskey and heads for the front door.
“The fuck ya playin’ at?” Cian whispers into my ear as we push our way through the crowd.
“Houl yer whisht,” I reply softly, not wanting to set off alarm bells. “That fucker, Aidan, has a tattoo on his wrist.”