Page 70 of Thy Kingdom Come
“Why would I do that?” he pants, peering at me through one swollen eye. The other has been perforated.
“To save yer wains,” I reply, promising him that no harm will come of them. And I mean it. “I only want my revenge on those who deserve it. When they’re grown, if they want the same thing, A’ll give them the chance.
“It’s only fair—an eye for an eye.” No pun intended.
“Yer word means nothin’ to me,” he wheezes, his chest rattling with every uneven breath he takes.
“Then, the alternative is I’ll take you to yer house and ya can watch me kill yer family…just how you made me watch mine.”
Aidan doesn’t have a choice. He is to sacrifice himself to save his family. It’ll be the only honorable thing he’ll ever do in his lifetime.
Dialing Liam, I put the phone out in front of Aidan, and when Liam answers, I wait for Aidan to make his choice.
“The cute hoor did it,” he says, surprising me with his acting skills. “It’s taken care of. We can trust him.”
“Grand. Why’re ye so breathless?” he asks, and I arch a brow at Aidan, hinting he’s to try harder.
“I got a diddy in ma gob.”
I scrunch up my nose because now he’s just being disgusting.
Liam laughs loudly. “I am in me wick! What’ll Aunt Fia say?”
“Act the jig if she asks, lad,” Aidan replies. “I’m gonna take a couple of days off. I’m jacked.”
“Aye, good idea. Call me when yer done with yer floozy.” Liam seems to think his uncle’s adultery is something to laugh about.
“Good on ya,” Aidan says, flinching as he shifts.
He suddenly quietens because he realizes that this is the last conversation he’s to ever have with his nephew. If I cared, I’d let him live, but I don’t.
“Talk to ya later then, Uncle.”
“All right, bye.”
Liam hangs up, none the wiser, while Aidan sniffs, accepting this for what it is.
I want to watch him suffer, but the truth is, he is only a small fish in a big pond, and honestly, looking at his face only a mother could love, I want this done. I know he isn’t the one who slit my ma’s throat or unlocked the wardrobe.
That fucker was tall. I remember that much.
But that doesn’t mean Aidan’s reckoning has been deferred. He’s just a taste of what’s to come.
“My brother’s gonna kill ya. Yer nothin’,” he spits, not begging for his life, which I have respect for. “Yer nothin’ but a Kelly.”
Whistling, I mock, “Are ye lonely? Is this how ya make friends?”
It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t revealed who the other two men were. I’ll find out, just as I found him. There are no coincidences in our world. My ma was slain because she was lost to a life that showed no mercy.
Connor Kelly may as well have wielded that knife because Ma’s fate was decided the moment they met.
Gripping Aidan’s chin, I tilt his head back and examine him closely. “I don’t know who I am,” I confess. “But what I do know is that I’m gonna enjoy killin’ ya.”
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, the first sign that he’s scared.
I want to humiliate him, just how he did to my ma, and someone like Aidan—someone who called me a molly ’cause I wear this warpaint with pride—would be utterly disgraced if I used him as a canvas before I slit his throat.
Turning around, I see Cian and Rory standing by Ronan. He is having a complete cack attack at what’s headed his way. I’ll deal with him later. Grabbing my paints from the ground, I smile when Aidan groans.