Page 91 of Thy Kingdom Come
But it seems Brody Doyle doesn’t trust his son.
Liam offers me his phone. “My da wants to talk with ya.”
And just like that, my chance to speak to the devil has come.
I remain calm because Mike has no idea he’s about to talk to the kingpin of Dublin. But Punky does, and he doesn’t know how he’s going to refrain from telling him his days are numbered.
I don’t know what to expect. Aye, I’ve googled him, but the Doyles, just like the Kellys, are very private people, so I couldn’t find anything of use. We’re put in the public eye when we want to be, which means it benefits us somehow.
Anything else is just ammo for the enemy. And we can’t be having that. We rarely have our pictures taken as this allows our foes to know what we look like.
I knew killing Aidan and leaving his body where we did was bait the Doyles couldn’t ignore. It worked a charm. This is it, the moment I’ve been waiting for.
“Hey, what’s up?” I coolly greet him.
“I thought ya could tell me that.” Brody’s voice is deep and firm. No one would doubt the power he holds. “Liam’s told ye what’s happened?”
“Yes, Liam told me. I’m really sorry about Aidan. I told Liam when I left him, he was alive and well. He said he was going to take care of everything.”
Brody processes what I’ve just shared. “Aye, lad, I believe ya. Mi daughter, Erin, seems to think yer trustworthy. So did mi brother,” he says, which pleases me. Having Erin in my corner has worked in my favor. “That arsehole is to blame. Or at least, the family he works for.”
He means us. He’s assuming Connor had a hand in his brother’s death.
“That’s what I get for trustin’ a Protestant. My brother will be avenged. And we need yer help.”
And that’s the real reason Brody wanted to speak to me.
“I don’t expect ye to understand this, but my family is at war with another. They’re from Northern Ireland. I want what is theirs and I’m close to gettin’ that. Ronan worked for them, but he came to us when he realized the Kellys’ days are numbered.”
In and out, I remind myself to breathe.
“There is a shipment of yokes and sneachta that I want. The lorry is due for arrival in Belfast next Tuesday. We plan to be there when it does.”
I know exactly what he’s talking about as this is Uncle Sean’s deal. He has organized a shipment of cocaine to come in from Central America. The street value of this haul is £200,000. The yokes are ecstasy tablets coming in from the Netherlands.
This is a huge deal for us, and if it doesn’t go to plan, it’ll be a brutal loss.
“You’re going to intercept the lorry?” I ask casually.
Brody laughs. “No, we’re goin’ into Belfast. It’s time we make ourselves known. As I see it, Connor Kelly took my brother, so I’ll take his.”
The blood drains from my face, but I keep it together.
“Which is where ya come in. We need a face they won’t recognize. Ye see, our fellow Catholics won’t take too kindly to us dealin’ with them Protestants. We need to be discreet, but there is no way Connor is getting away with this.
“My brother was painted up like some muppet. Ach, this was personal.”
Yes, it was, and I wanted the Doyles to know I was coming for them, but not like this. Uncle Sean’s life is now at risk.
“I took his wife. Nothing more personal than that,” he boasts like I’m supposed to be impressed.
Clenching my fists under the table, Brody has just confirmed what I already knew. He and Aidan took my ma’s life. If what he says is truth, does that mean he’s my da? Did he kill my ma, knowing I was his son?
My hatred for this cunt continues to grow. Dad or not, I’m going to do unto him what I did to his brother. What he did to my ma.
This is a test. The Doyles know if I say no, then my story is rubbish. But if I do this, then their trust in me will strengthen. I’ll be able to infiltrate their operations even more than I already have. I’ll be able to save Uncle Sean.
“What’s in it for me?” I question because that’s the only reason any stranger would agree to this.