Page 103 of Into Temptation
“I think I’m the last person he wants to see right now. It’s better if he keeps his distance.”
“I hate this. I wish things were different.”
“Me too, but I hope to make things right. I’ve fucked up a lot in my life, Cian, but Cami isn’t a mistake. If I could do this all over again, I would always choose her.”
I need him to know that this isn’t some phase that will pass.
“Aye, I know that. Love is a tricky thing.”
Things were a lot simpler when our fathers were in control. The older I get, the clearer that becomes. I was so hard on Connor, but looking back on what he did, on what he achieved, I realize I’m only half the man that he was.
But tomorrow changes that. History is about to be made.
“This is a suicide mission,” Ron says, blowing out a puff of smoke. “Sean will be there, ready and waitin’ for ye. As will Liam Brody.”
“I’m countin’ on it,” I reply with a grin.
We’re in the alleyway behind Ron’s butcher store, talking business in hushed voices because everyone is the enemy until we can prove otherwise.
This is risky, and if Ron decides to opt out, I’ll understand. I really hope he doesn’t, though, because he is the link to the past that I need. He proved his loyalty last night. He can be trusted. So can the men he vouches for.
“Y’ve my support, Puck. And the men who served Connor. We want change, and we want yer uncle gone. He’s done nothin’ to help us. Our loyalties will always lie with you.”
Inhaling, I can’t hide my relief at hearing those words. “Thank you, Ron. I’ll not forget it. D’you think ya can get the word out about tomorrow? We need men who are willing to fight for what’s right. Men we can trust.”
“Aye, leave it to me. I suppose ya need guns? And other weapons?”
I nod. “I hate to ask this of ya—”
“Don’t be concernin’ yerself with that,” he interrupts. “Just bring back the Belfast we all know and miss.”
“I promise ya, I’ll do my best.”
All of this is possible because of Cami. If she didn’t keep in touch with good men like Ron, we wouldn’t be able to pull this off.
I won’t fail them.
“I’ll make a few calls and let ya know who’s with us. I think it’ll be a good idea to have men surroundin’ the factory on the lookout.”
“Yes, definitely. But I need to find out about Ethan and Eva before we use violence.”
Ron nods, but I know he can’t guarantee that’ll happen.
The truth is, we are going into this blind, where every possible scenario is probable. We need to be prepared for all circumstances and not be blindsided.
“I think a lot of Brody’s men are goin’ to retaliate. Liam will lead that pack. Sean will have his. And you will have yer army behind ye. It’ll be who shoots first in the end. Are ya sure this is what ya want to do?”
“I’m not sure of anythin’,” I reply honestly. “But what I am sure of is that I won’t cower in fear. Connor taught me better than that. I will do this to honor him and everything he worked so hard to protect.”
“Happy days!” Ron says, tossing his feg onto the ground. “I will get everythin’ sorted and phone ya.”
We bid him farewell and cautiously make our way to the truck. We can’t be too careful because no doubt, Sean and Liam have their allies watching us.
Cian’s phone rings, and when I see his reaction to who’s calling, I guess it’s Amber. I haven’t seen her since the engagement party, but I suppose like Rory, she’d have preferred I stayed where I was. Since returning, all I’ve done is drag Cian into my mess.
Even though it’s his choice, I can understand why she’s not my biggest fan.
“I can’t tomorrow night,” he says to her. “Why? Er, ’cause I’m busy doin’ some things.”