Page 106 of Into Temptation
“Enough!” Cian cries, attempting to pull Rory off me. But Rory shoves him so hard, Cian slams against the wall.
“Always jumpin’ to his defense,” he sneers, slamming his fist to my jaw. “Nothing has changed. Since we were kids, ya were always makin’ excuses for him.”
“Dry yer eyes, will ya,” I retort, not interested in Rory’s sob story. Cian has nothing to do with this.
My comment only adds fuel to the fire, and with a snarl, he splits my lip open.
“Fight me!” he demands, hovering over me, my blood dripping from his fists.
“Naw, I won’t fight ya.” I spit out blood, daring him to do his best.
“Fuck!” he screams, punching me one final time before crawling off me. He joins Cian against the wall, panting and clenching his bloody fists.
Sitting up, I fruitlessly wipe my bloody lip with the back of my hand because it’s going to take a lot more than that to stop the bleeding. “Ye may hate me, but we want the same thing—to protect Cami. I can’t do that when I’m fightin’, but you can.”
He nods, indicating he’s listening.
“I need someone I can trust to stay with Cami, Amber, Hannah, Darcy, and the long list of others who are in danger. I want that person to be you. I can’t protect them, but I know you can. I have no right askin’ ya this, but please help me.
“Stay with them and keep them safe.”
“And what makes ya think Cami is going to stay put? She’ll want to go with ya.”
“We present her with both options and let her decide,” I say, hating how this hits so close to home. “I don’t want to lie to her, and I don’t want to take away her free will. If she decides to come, then so be it. That’ll be her choice, but I hope she sees reason.
“You two are the only people who can do this. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”
“It’s a little late for that,” he snaps, but his anger has subsided.
“I know that, but I’ll never stop tryin’ to make things right.” I mean that in every possible way.
Rory flexes his swollen hand, flinching. “Y’ve still got a hard head, I see.”
“Sure, this is it.”
Just like Babydoll, this is Rory’s choice. If he tells me to go fuck myself, then at least I tried. But I know he won’t. Regardless of his feelings for me, he would never let those who are innocent suffer.
His love for Cami has him nodding. “Ats us nai.”
Cian sighs, thankful no more blood will be spilled—for now.
However, being pummeled to a pulp was the easy part because Rory’s punches will seem like a piece of piss compared to what I’m about to face—asking Babydoll to sit this one out.
I suddenly wish he’d knocked me out cold.