Page 109 of Into Temptation
Punky doesn’t stop me as I push past him and race out the front door. I continue running, feeling freer the farther I go.
Tears leak from my eyes because I know I’m being unreasonable, but the thought of Punky facing Sean alone tears me apart inside. I want to be there to protect him, just as he wants to protect me. If this is the end, I want to be there with him.
I know the odds aren’t in our favor, and I’m scared. I’m scared if Punky goes alone, I’ll never see him again.
A guttural sob robs me of air, and I fall to my knees in the middle of the grassy field and cry the tears I’ve tried so hard to keep at bay. I cry for my sister, who doesn’t want a part in this war. I cry for Hannah and Ethan, whose lives have been destroyed. I cry for Rory, for hurting him when I never wanted to.
I cry for every innocent man and woman who has suffered because of this feud.
But most of all, I cry for Punky and me because all we wanted was to live a simple life, but that was taken away from us by monsters who still haunt our dreams.
“I’m sorry,” I whimper to no one in particular because everyone involved in this has had their life destroyed in some way or form.
Hugging my middle, I tip my face to the heavens and beg for a sign that things will be okay. I plead that come tomorrow, Punky will be alive.
I don’t get the divine intervention I was hoping for as the world continues to turn, regardless of my troubles. But I suppose that’s what being alive entails—no matter your hardships, you have to keep going. The world won’t stop just because you want to—you just have to learn to keep up.
Fatigue overcomes me, and I succumb to the darkness…just for a little while.
I wake with a start, not recognizing the shrill noise until I see my cell ringing a few feet away.
It’s dark out. I’ve slept for longer than I thought. The blanket draped over me reveals that Punky has checked on me to make sure I’m okay. He didn’t wake me, however, as it seems we both needed some time alone.
Sitting up, I reach for my cell and answer it without looking at who the caller is.
“Cami. It’s me.”
“Eva?” I say, choking on three simple letters. “Is that really you?”
“Y-yes, it’s me. I’m okay,” she quickly assures me while I attempt to find my voice. “We’re both okay.”
“Ethan is with you?” I frantically ask.
“Yes, he’s been looking after me.”
The sentiment in her tone exposes that Ethan is still on our side, which means Sean plans on using him in other ways.
“Where are you?”
“I don’t know. It’s dark. I’m so sorry. I fucked everything up.”
She’s being elusive because I realize Sean is listening. There is a reason for this call, and I intend on finding out what that is.
“It’s okay, Eva. We’re coming for you. Don’t let them break you.”
Her jerky sniffles break my heart, but I have to be strong. “All r-right,” she cries. “Ethan asked if you can pass a message on?”
“Of course.”
“Can you tell Hannah that he’s sorry? For everything.”
I’m barely holding on. “I will.”
“And can you tell Puck that he loves him. That he never stopped.”
“I promise,” I whisper, clenching the phone in my hand. “I know Sean is there listening. Put him on.”
“Bye, Cami. I l-love you.”