Page 117 of Into Temptation
Fiona instantly steps forward, a silent warning I’ll lose a finger if I don’t remove my hand from her daughter.
Hannah ignores her mum. “I’m better. I’m worried about ye, though.”
Fiona scoffs, rolling her eyes. “It’s ’cause of him we’re in this mess.”
No one bothers to take the bait, though, because we have bigger fish to fry.
“Be careful, Puck,” Hannah says, her lower lip trembling. “I can’t lose ye again.”
When tears begin to fall, I draw her into my arms and kiss the top of her head. “Ya can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Good, ’cause I don’t want to.”
Amber walks over, gently consoling Hannah. She can’t help but come to her aid as a part of her, I’m sure, still sees her as the little girl she raised. Fiona was too busy spending Connor’s money to care for her kids. So her caring mother act has come too little, too late.
When I hear Rory’s tires crunch over the gravel, I inhale evenly because it’s time.
When Cian and I walk outside to greet him, we see a convoy of cars driving toward us. Logan Doherty and his men are here to help Rory if needed. I only hope I’ve done the right thing in trusting him. The other names on that list are waiting for me at the factory. This is what happens when you forget where loyalty lies.
May the best man win.
Rory has a large bag over his shoulder, no doubt filled with weapons. He nods at Cian but grunts my way. He’s still pissed off at me, and that’s okay. As long as he protects Cami, he can hate me for as long as he likes.
“Everyone inside?”
“Aye,” Cian replies. “Yer all set?”
Rory nods. “As ready as I can be. Are ye sure Logan and his men can be trusted?”
“I’m not sure of anythin’,” I reply honestly. “But what other choice do we have? Hide like a bunch of pussies, waitin’ for Sean and Liam to strike? Or bring the fight to us? If Logan steps out of line, ya know what to do.”
Rory’s nostrils flare. “He wouldn’t dare after everythin’ he’s done.”
We’re all hoping that’s the case, but we can’t be sure.
Cian and Rory go inside, and Cian knows what to do—arm everyone.
I wait for Logan to approach me. “Bout ye? Ye ready?”
“Aye, I am. Did ya do what I asked?”
“Yes. I’ve let everyone know yer callin’ a meetin’ at the factory. Some are awful mad at what ya did to Brody. I suspect they’ve told Liam where y’ll be. Even though all of them know about the meetin’, most of them won’t be there. I assume they’ll be with Liam.
“The ones that do come, they were once loyal to Connor. I believe if it comes down to that, they will fight with ya. That’s why they’ll come. To listen to what ye have to say.”
“Grand, that’s what I was hopin’ for.”
Logan doesn’t hide his surprise but doesn’t ask questions. “Ya can count on us, Puck. We won’t let anythin’ happen to yer family. Connor was good to us. We haven’t forgotten that.”
I hope he’s telling me the truth.
I give him directions to where his men are to wait. The grounds are open, so we need eyes everywhere. I wish I had more time to set traps, but I don’t. This is the best I can do.
He shakes my hand. “Good luck to ye. May God be on yer side.”
“God has nothin’ to do with this. But thank you.”
The men behind Logan are all familiar faces. Some left the business when Connor died, and others worked for Brody and maybe Sean. I hate that I don’t have the time to interrogate them, but I have to trust Logan because he knows if he fucks me over, his family will pay for his sins.