Page 128 of Into Temptation
Sean is barely recognizable as his face has been beaten to a pulp. The macabre sight has me jumping to my feet and yanking him up.
“Answer me!”
He sways on his feet, his bone-chilling laughter echoing around me. “Yer some pup, thinkin’ ya could beat me.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means, yer so predictable. Always wantin’ to do good by everyone. When will ya learn that just ’cause yer good…that doesn’t mean others are…or ever will be?”
Thinking back over everything, I try to find holes in the plan. Everything went smoothly—too smoothly perhaps?
This was too easy…something is wrong.
“I will fucking kill you!” I snarl, drawing us nose to nose.
“I thought that was the plan all along…but here I am, still standing…the same can’t be said for others, however.”
I headbutt him but hold him up, and he sags like a ragdoll. “Yer bluffin’. Cian has Ethan and Eva, and Rory is keepin’ dick for me. Y’ve lost. They would have rung me if anythin’ was wrong.”
But my bravado is fading by the second because this smells like a setup. Sean wanted me here, allowed me to fight him for a reason.
“I killed yer ma and…yer da,” he confesses while I gasp as I never saw who shot Connor. This arsehole made sure I suffered in every possible way. “Don’tcha see? Ya can’t beat me, Puck. Join me, and I promise ye, everyone ye love will be saved.
“The peelers work for me. Yer alone.”
This is just a ploy. Cian and Rory would have alerted me if anything was wrong. But what Sean says next brings me to my knees.
“He knew ye weren’t related, but he still chased her. Did ya know that? Did ya know he read my journal before any of youse? He was the one who made sure it remained hidden until Hannah found it.”
“Ye’d say anythin’ to save yer arse,” I snarl, but a small part of me knows he’s telling the truth. This was too easy because I…trusted the wrong man.
I thrust the knife out and press the blade to his throat. One simple stroke, and I can end this. But if I do that, I know I’ll regret it.
“Fuck!” I scream, the blade trembling in my hand. “Fuck!”
Sean smirks, and why wouldn’t he—he’s won. And I all but handed his victory over on a silver platter. “She was always the main prize.”
Without thought, I punch him one final time, knocking him out cold. He collapses onto the ground, and it takes all my willpower not to kill him. But I can’t.
My boots slip and slide on the spilled blood as I run out the door toward Cian’s truck. My fingers fumble as I flip down the visor, and the spare key falls into my lap. I tear off into the night, frantically dialing Rory.
“He knew ye weren’t related, but he still chased her.”
Sean’s words play over in my mind. He’s lying. He’s got to be. There’s no way he’s telling the truth. But when Rory doesn’t answer my call, the reality of what’s happening winds me.
I dial Cian, who answers immediately. “Thank fuck, yer alive.”
“Where are ya?” I ask, the panic in my voice clear.
“Just ’bout to drop off Ethan and Eva at yer gaff. Why? Do ya want me to come there? Ron told me he’s keepin’ dick—even though ya told him to leave—and would phone if ya needed help. What’s happened?”
“I need to speak to Rory, but he’s not answerin’ his phone.”
The moment the words leave me, I realize he made a rookie mistake.
“I’ve got to go. Go to my house and phone me when ye do.”
“Puck!” Cian exclaims. “What’s going on?”