Page 28 of Into Temptation
I smirk, taking great pleasure in seeing him squirm. “Suit yerself. But don’t say I didn’t warn ya when he comes for yer head.”
Brody folds his arms across his chest. “What concern is it of yers, anyway?”
“’Cause that cunt has fooled my wee brother, and for that, I will do everythin’ to take him down. I won’t stand back and let him ruin Ethan’s life. He’s cancer, a cancer which needs to be cut out.”
Babydoll is silent throughout the exchange as I know this is news to her.
“So, what do you propose then?”
Levelling Brody, I detail my plans, knowing he’ll listen because deep down, he’s afraid of the power Sean still holds. “I’m goin’ to smoke him out. He believes I don’t know of his plans, but he’s underestimated my hatred for him.”
As a twitch spasms under Brody’s left eye, I see it. He’s read between the lines—he realizes I’ve uncovered the truth. He knows I’ve found out who my real father is.
“And y’ve underestimated yer men. Y’ve given them more credit than they deserve, for Sean has recruited them. He’s building an army, and he’s waitin’, waitin’ for the perfect time to strike and bring ye down. And when he does, ya won’t stand a chance.”
Brody doesn’t say a word, but for me to come to him with this information, he understands I have an inside source—Sean’s journal. Written in his own hand, I have Sean’s plans detailed in black and white, and with Hannah’s sighting of him and Ethan’s attack on me, I know he’s putting those plans into action.
“Why are ya tellin’ me this?”
“’Cause we both want the same thing. Sean dead, and for real this time.”
“And ya think I need ye for that? If I wanted him dead, then I’d have it done. Things have changed, Punky. Yer no longer in charge. I’m the one in control now.”
I burst into a cynical snicker. “Ach, is that so? Is that why Sean was able to fool ya into thinkin’ he was dead? Or that ye’d actually be partners once ye were rid of Connor and me?”
Brody’s cheeks flush in anger. “Ye cheeky wee hallion. Ya don’t know anythin’.”
“All right. You go on believin’ that. But when Sean takes everythin’ from ya, don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
I stand composed, knowing I’ve won.
“What do you have that a hundred men don’t?”
Apart from the fact that this is personal to me, I have one thing that no one, not even Brody, has.
“Sean fears me,” I state with confidence because it’s true. “He knows I have nothin’ left to lose. And I won’t stop until one of us is dead.”
Brody ponders over my words, realizing I mean every single one.
“I know my…uncle,” I say, ensuring he understands the pause was intentional. “I know how he thinks, how he can win yer trust without ya even knowin’ it. And when he has ya where he wants ya, he’ll strike. Yer livin’ on borrowed time.”
“Ye want to work together, is it?” he asks with a deep snicker. That soon stops when I nod firmly.
“Aye. I want to form an alliance with ya. Ya need me, and I need you.”
“How?” Brody questions, eyes narrowed. He has every right not to trust me, but for him to still be here, he knows I’m right.
“Ya need someone to remind yer men thatyerthe leader, not Sean. They’ve strayed, just how our men once did because yer no longer feared or respected.”
Brody storms forward, fisting the lapels of my suit jacket and drawing us nose to nose.
“Let him go!” Babydoll demands, but my grin hints that I’m the one in control. Brody losing his cool is a sure sign of this.
“Fuck ye. I should kill ya right now.”
“Go on then,” I challenge, never breaking eye contact with him. “But I have a sneakin’ suspicion that if ya wanted me dead, I’d already be so. I’m alive ’cause ya know that ye need me. Ya always knew that I’m more valuable to ya alive than I am dead.”
“If what ya say is true, then I’m just expected to believe ya won’t double-cross me how yeruncledid?”