Page 68 of Into Temptation
“Are ya sure now? It seemed ye couldn’t stop talkin’ a few seconds ago.”
I ease the pressure on his throat, allowing him to wheeze in air. “Sorry.”
“What was that?” I ask, placing my ear near his mouth.
“Let him go,” demands one of the men. When he tries to pry me off his mucker, I elbow him in the face. His screams echo in the distance as he cups his broken nose.
“Now, what was I sayin’?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he wheezes, his eyes pleading I let him go as he slaps at my hand at his throat.
“I don’t believe ye,” I scold, forcing him to his knees.
“Yer welcome to stay.”
Peering down at him, I smile. “Ach, that’s awful kind of ya. Thank you.”
I finally let him go.
He collapses forward, gasping for air on his hands and knees. I roll my eyes ’cause this response is a little dramatic. As he attempts to stand, I push him back down with my boot.
“I think y’d much prefer the view from down there, do ya not think?” I suggest, ensuring he understands if he attempts to stand again, I’ll break his kneecaps.
His head jerks in a half-hearted nod.
The last man standing doesn’t get in my way as I walk past him and into the farmhouse. The place is gutted. The only thing which stands is the structure. There doesn’t appear to be as many men here as Brody sent me on the list.
The men who are missing will be considered traitors and dealt with accordingly.
As I scan the room, I see Brody and Liam talking to a group of men. This is the first time I’ve seen Liam since I got out. He looks even more arrogant than I remember. When we lock eyes, his narrow, making clear he isn’t on board with the deal I made with his father.
He shoves the men he’s speaking with aside and comes my way. “Y’ve got some bollocks on ye, comin’ here with yer face painted like that. After what ya did to my uncle. And my brother,” he spits, fists clenched.
I decorated Aidan and Hugh’s faces before I killed them. It was my finest hour.
“Y’d prefer a different color?” I mock, pursing my lips in contemplation.
He advances forward, the veins in his neck pulsating, hinting at his rage. “I’d prefer it if ye were dead,” he states bitterly. “Just ’cause my dad thinks this is a good idea, doesn’t mean I do. If ya do anything to piss me off, I’ll kill ya.”
“Yer goin’ to have to be a little more specific,” I counter smartly. “What pisses ya off, Liam? Just so I know.”
He growls, ready to end the agreement between his father and me. But Brody steps in, grabbing Liam.
“That’s enough, son,” he warns softly, not wanting to alert anyone that something is wrong. But that was the case long before me.
“This is yer idea of concealin’ who ye are?” Brody asks.
“Aye. I thought y’d like it.”
He exhales, clearly holding back the urge to kill me.
“What the fuck?” Liam curses, looking over my shoulder.
Turning to see what’s going on, I snort when I see the arsehole who tried to act like a tough guy enter the room on his hands and knees. The guy whose nose I broke stands by his friend with blood dried on his face.
When they see me standing with Brody and Liam, they instantly avert their eyes.
“Your doing?” Brody asks while I smirk in response.