Page 70 of Into Temptation
One man is hovering. I know he wants to speak to me because he used to work for us. The way he examines me, I’m certain he knows who I am.
When everyone is out of earshot, he walks over. “Punky?” he whispers, desperately searching for any clues that it’s me.
The face paint is a great disguise for those who don’t know me, but a familiar face would easily recognize who I am. And that’s what Logan Doherty has done.
I knew this was bound to happen, but I didn’t expect the anger I feel to be so predominant. This arsehole is a fucking traitor, and the urge to hurt him is almost unbearable.
“I always knew ya were a weak pussy, Logan,” I mutter, eyeing him fiercely. “So I’m not surprised to see ya here.”
“Ach, I knew it was you,” he says, almost jumping on the spot in excitement. I don’t know why. I’m about to break his nose for being here. “Yer speech reminded me of—”
I give in to temptation and punch him square in the nose.
He knows better than to retaliate or cry out. He simply accepts his punishment and reaches into his pocket for a tissue.
“Have ya no loyalty?” I question softly, clenching my fist. “We were good to ya, and this is how ya thank Connor? By working with the fucking Doyles?”
“What would ya have me do? I needed to feed my family.”
“These are excuses I have no interest in listenin’ to. I’m here to right the wrongs of the past.”
“Yer uncle is goin’ to be—”
But he quickly stops as I arch a brow.
“My uncle is goin’ to be what?” I question, hinting if he lies to me, I’ll cut out his tongue.
He nervously peers around the room. “Yer uncle is goin’ to be so happy yer back,” he reveals, which hints that Sean hasn’t let our old colleagues onto the fact that he wants me dead. “He’s tryin’ to restore Belfast to her former glory.
“But there is pushback. People want nothin’ to do with the Kellys after what happened.” He soon stops, realizing what he just said.
I gesture he’s to continue.
“Connor was the one they listened to. The one they respected. Sean was always his second. Well, third.”
When I arch a brow, confused, he clarifies.
“We always expected you to take over, not Sean, which is why he’s havin’ problems gatherin’ the support he needs to overthrow Brody. People don’t think Sean has the bollocks to fill Connor’s shoes. And they’re right.
“This is why Brody is still in control. Men don’t have faith in Sean. They don’t trust him, not after he resurfaced when we all thought he was dead. He should have done more to save ya, but instead, he let ya rot. We’re angry with him for doin’ that.
“He was the one who should have gone to prison, not you. When we found out he was alive, we were certain he would get ya outta prison. But when he wanted to be the new leader, and not save ya, the men saw him as nothin’ but a traitor.
“He let ya take the fall. What man does that? Certainly not a leader. But you, Puck. Whatcha did…the men would follow ya into war. Yer Connor’s son, after all.”
This is a lot to take in as I never realized how loyal some men still are to Connor.
“He’s workin’ with some men, but he doesn’t have the manpower to win. He’s tryin’ everythin’, but Brody is still in charge because Sean doesn’t stand a chance against him. But with you back, that’ll change. I can’t wait to tell him.”
I grip Logan’s forearm, a gentle warning of things to come if he doesn’t listen very closely. “Yer not gonna tell anyone I’m back, especially Sean,” I state calmly. “This is goin’ to stay between us. Y’hear?”
“Aye, but I—”
“Don’t make me cut out yer tongue,” I interrupt because he doesn’t seem to understand me.
His head bobbles as he nods, fearing for his life.
“I want ya to compile a list of names of the men who used to work for us. I want to know who is loyal to Brody. And who you think can be swayed back to our side.”