Page 78 of Into Temptation
It feels like a lifetime ago, and in some ways, it is.
“Brody ordered I do something which would spark your interest in me, so I knew stealing from you would get under your skin,” she reveals, snuggling closer to me. “But when I saw the brooch, I knew it held sentimental value to you, and I couldn’t keep it.
“I dressed that way because Brody told me I was to do something which stood out. It was by chance we liked the same comic. But it shouldn’t surprise me. Sometimes, I feel like you’re my other half.”
“Brody has been the puppet master this entire time,” I say with bite. “His time has come.”
Babydoll is quiet, and I wonder if she’s having second thoughts. “How are you going to get him alone without raising suspicion?”
I haven’t thought that far ahead as this plan wasn’t on the cards until a few minutes ago.
She reads my silence for what it is. “I know a way.”
I arch a brow, indicating I’m listening.
“You won’t be able to get him alone unless—”
“Unless what?”
She licks her lips. “Unless you take him out in public. He’ll assume it’s safety in numbers. It’ll be unexpected, and the only time he’ll have his guard down. The busier the place, the better.”
This is madness…but she’s right.
“And I know the perfect place. He is hosting a fundraiser this weekend. It’s very private and invite only. It’s his way to appear like a law-abiding citizen to the masses, but the people who will be attending are just as corrupt as he is. A public execution will get more people on your side.
“You’re going to kill him, and you’re going to challenge Sean by doing so. No one will fuck with you because they’ll fear you. You air the Doyles’ dirty laundry and let everyone know there is a new king now. The rightful Kelly king.”
It takes a lot to render me speechless, but Babydoll’s evil genius makes me all warm and gushy inside.
This plan is brilliant, and it will work.
Babydoll is right. Killing Brody in public will instill the fear of God into people, and it will also challenge Sean. Brody was the one thing standing in the way. With him gone, it comes down to us. It will show Sean that I’m not afraid of him. I’m ready and waiting.
“I won’t raise any suspicion being there because I’m invited. Brody wants the world to think we’re one big happy family. I think he feels the closer I am to him, the less risk there is for me to betray him. Or maybe he believes I fell for his bullshit sob story back at the pub. He is clearly fucking delusional. Or desperate. I don’t know.
“Normally, I would tell him to go fuck himself. But not this time. I’ll get you in and help any way I can.”
None of this would be possible without her. I thought I was alone, but I’m not.
She’s my equal in every sense of the word. And I vow here, now, that I will do everything to make her happy for the rest of her life.
“Yes, let’s do this,” I say, drawing her closer and nudging her nose with mine.
“It’s black and white themed,” she states, gasping as I softly bite her bottom lip. “I like that you’ve put your piercings back in. It reminds me of when we first met.”
“But we’re not those people anymore, are we?”
I kiss her neck, relishing in her breathless sighs. “We’ll always be us,” she whispers. “Babydoll and Punky. And nothing can change that.”
“Will ya help me pick out a suit?” I ask before sliding down her body and coming to rest between her thighs.
She peers down at me, eyes wide, but her surprise turns to desire when I slip two of my fingers into her mouth before sinking them into her pussy.
“Aye!” she cries out in ecstasy. Whether she is replying to my question or the fact that I’m playing with her pussy, I don’t know. It doesn’t matter either way because all that matters is this…and killing Brody Doyle.